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2008年3月份上证指数基本上维持弱势整理的格局,短期可能有反弹,但在没有意外因素影响的情况下,力度有限,中期行情存在走弱的可能仍然不能排除,种种不确定因素的影响尚难预料。所以,建议采取相对保守的策略,大资金最好等待形势明朗之后介入。 In March 2008, the SSE Composite Index basically maintained the pattern of weak consolidation, which may rebound in the short term. However, the impact of the uncertainties is still limited due to the limited strength and the weakening of the medium-term market. Hard to predict. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a relatively conservative strategy, large funds best to wait for the situation to clear after intervention.
初踏浮冰,心中忐忑,不知这里的浮冰到底有多厚,轻轻踩踏了几下,感觉挺结实 First take the ice, my heart wander, I do not know where the ice in the end how thick, gen
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简述了国内外海水淡化的现状,对蒸馏法和反渗透法进行比较,侧重针对目前海水淡化技术存在的一些问题,提出一些具体建议。 The current status of desalination at home and
Example 1创作实例一:不老方、守护神在利用纹样丰富并具有一定石形变化的原石进行创作时,诸美兼得的企图非常强烈,吃熊掌外加喝鱼汤的心态驱使着我们孜孜以求地审石取势,谁
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音乐剧,也许是很多人既熟悉又陌生的一种艺术形式。说它熟悉,是因为很多我们耳熟能详的经典歌曲原本都是音乐剧中的唱段,比如“Memory”出自音乐剧《猫》(Cats),“Mamma Mia