尊敬的诸葛局座: 自从您主持工作以来,本局面貌发生了翻天覆地的喜人变化。全局上下,无不对您锐意进取、大胆改革的勇气和魄力赞誉有加。群众纷纷感叹:若不是阁下主政,本局还不知要在黑暗中摸索多久!衮衮诸公还不知到何时才能拨开乌云见晴日! 不过对您近日诸多的改革新举措,群众在赞佩之余,也不免心生隐忧,特别是“大量削减会议、提高办事效率”一项,尤令各位同仁忧虑不已。个中缘由,容我细细道来——人们都说文山会海害死人,说到激愤处,无不唾沫四溅,近乎歇斯底里。然则所见无非花钱多少、费时几许,只知其一,不知其二,只算经济账,不算政治账,俺们对此是早有意见的。试想一下,假如
Dear GeForce, Since the work of yours, we have witnessed tremendous changes in this Council. The overall situation, all of you are determined to make progress, courage and courage bold reform praised. People have lamented: If not your government, this Council also do not know how long to groping in the dark! 衮 衮 Zhu Gong also do not know when to open the clouds to see the sunny day! However, many of your recent reform initiatives, the masses are in favor Apart from this, we can not help but worry about our heart and soul. In particular, it is a matter of “mass reduction of meetings and improvement of efficiency in handling work,” especially for your fellow workers. One reason, let me be thin to say - people say Wenshan will harm the sea, when it comes to indignation, all splashed, almost hysteria. However, what we see is nothing more than the cost of how much time-consuming, only know one, I do not know the second, only economic accounts, not a political account, we have long been opinions on this. Imagine, if