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目前,我国经济陷入了需求严重不足的境地之中,尽管政府动用了各种刺激经济的办法,但均未能有效启动经济,经济发展仍然严重乏力。在计划经济时期,我国存在的一直是供给不足问题,经济过热问题,而从来不愁需求不足,不愁启动不了经济。因此,我国经济发展可以说是遇到了前所未有的新问题。相反,在西方市场经济国家,影响和制约着经济增长速度的主要因素,则一直是需求不足,是经济过冷问题。这样,我国遇到的似乎是与市场经济国家相似的增长问题了。为此,我国政府也一反过去对宏观经济的计划型调控做法,而大规模地借鉴了西方国家式的市场型调控做法,但实行的结果却远不能令人满意。对此人们不禁要问:中国经济怎么啦?于是,各种分析及对策建议纷至沓来。本文将仅就此问题提出自己的看法。 At present, our economy is plunged into a serious shortage of demand. Although the government has resorted to various measures to stimulate the economy, it has failed to effectively start its economy and its economy is still sluggish. In the period of planned economy, our country has always been the problem of inadequate supply and overheating, but we never have to worry about the lack of demand. We can not afford to start the economy. Therefore, our country’s economic development can be said to have encountered unprecedented new problems. On the contrary, in western market economy countries, the main factors that affect and constrain the rate of economic growth have been the lack of demand and the problem of over-cooling of the economy. In this way, what China has encountered seems to be a similar growth problem to a market economy country. For this reason, our government has also reversed the planned regulation and control of the macroeconomy in the past and borrowed from the western country-style market-based regulation and control on a large scale. However, the result of the implementation is far from satisfactory. People can not help but ask: What happened to the Chinese economy? As a result, a variety of analysis and countermeasures after another. This article will put forward your own opinion on this issue only.
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