
来源 :经理人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang123gang
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去年上榜的10位企业家中有5位(刘永行、宁高宁、吴鹰、张跃、王宗南), 分别被任正非、马明哲、张近东、侯为贵、董明珠取代;而在新生代企业家中, 王文京、丁健、潘刚、方洪波、张海也被取而代之。为什么么他们没有上榜?在才干和影响力的消长之外,还有另外的一些因素。探究榜外英雄落选背后的原因,或许能够得到更多启发,而他们的未来,三十年河东,三十年河西,也许明年就又是他们的涨潮期。原因一,企业发展的周期性规律。去年华润在高速发展的背景下,老总宁高宁得以入选,但是,企业的超常发展不可能年年出现,有其周期性的必然规律, 而“《经理人》商界MVP金奖”的评选每年都进行,更多关注的是横向而非纵向业绩。因此企业在处于平稳发展期或者低潮期时,企业领袖落选是很正常的,此种情况一样适合于吴鹰、张跃、王宗南、刘永行。UT斯达康和远大、希望在今年的发展都比较稳健,并无飞跃性改变。虽然突变令人激情澎湃,但是过多的变化也许是隐忧,变中有恒定也许才能长久。在某种意义上说,他们没有人选,也许是企业之福。 Five of the 10 entrepreneurs listed last year (Liu Yongxing, Ning Gaoging, Wu Ying, Zhang Yue and Wang Zongnan) were replaced by Ren Zhengfei, Ma Mingzhe, Zhang Jindong, Hou Weigui and Dong Mingzhu respectively; among the entrepreneurs in the new generation, Wang Wenjing, Ding Jian, Pan Gang, Fang Hongbo, Zhang Hai has also been replaced. Why did they not list? In addition to talent and influence of the growth and decline, there are other factors. To explore the reasons behind the losers in the list of unloved heroes, may be able to get more inspiration, and their future, Hedong Thirty years, Thirty years Hexi, perhaps next year is their high tide. One reason, the regular development of enterprises. In the context of rapid development of China Resources in the background, CEO Ning Gaoning rather to be selected, but the extraordinary development of enterprises can not appear every year, with its cyclical inevitable laws, and “manager” business MVP Gold Award "every year More focused on horizontal rather than vertical performance. Therefore, enterprises in a stable period of development or low tide, business leaders unsuccessful is normal, this situation is equally applicable to Wu Ying, Zhang Yue, Wang Zongnan, Liu Yongxing. UT Starcom and ambitious hope that the development of this year are more robust, there is no leap in change. Although the mutation is very exciting, but too many changes may be worries, change may be constant for a long time. In a sense, they have no candidate, perhaps the blessing of the business.
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