
来源 :中共石家庄市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phpzen
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李岚清副总理指出,诚信是公民道德的基本要求,是民法的基本原则,也是社会主义市场经济的重要支柱。江泽民同志指出:“没有信用,就没有秩序,市场经济就不能健康发展。”所以说,不讲信用的人就没有资格搞市场经济。然而,现在有的地方是赖账有理,欠债有理,不执行合同有理,欺诈和假冒伪劣横行。 建立诚信,一方面要加强道德教育,形成良好的社会风气;另一方面,还必须加强法制。提倡诚信,光讲道德是不够的,还需要法律作保障。要使不讲信用的人无以在社会上立足,使有不良行为者付出相应代价,名誉扫地,直至绳之以法。要树立诚实守信的社会风气,有一个重要措施,就是建立个人 Vice Premier Li Lanqing pointed out: Honesty is the basic requirement of civic morals, the basic principle of civil law and an important pillar of the socialist market economy. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Without credit, there is no order and the market economy can not develop soundly.” Therefore, people who do not trust credit are not eligible for market economy. However, there are now some places where there is reasonable credit, reasonable debt, no contractual sanctions, fraud and counterfeiting. Establishing good faith will not only strengthen moral education on the one hand, but also create a good social atmosphere. On the other hand, we must also strengthen the legal system. It is not enough to advocate honesty and honesty and moral integrity. We also need laws to protect it. Let those who do not speak of credit have no basis in society, so that those with bad conduct will pay a corresponding price and discredit them until they are brought to justice. To establish an honest and trustworthy social atmosphere, there is an important measure to establish an individual
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“纯化语言”是八十年代后期的一个热门话题, 而且至今被人所强调。比较有代表性的批评家是贾 方舟。他在当时认为:时代所期待和呼唤的,既不应 是宏篇巨构式的“力作”,也不
【摘要】主体性课堂教学,是现代教育中的重要组成部分,也是素质教育对课堂教学提出的必然要求。历史学科以其最富情感教育、人格培养的特点,更为迫切地向历史教师提出注重调动学生主体性的要求。那么,如何调动历史课堂教学中学生主体性呢?笔者认为首先应调动学生的主体性,教师必须具备正确的教学思想,顺应现代教育的要求;其次,教师应采用切实可行的教学方法,激发学习兴趣,培养学生的历史思维能力和历史情感。  【关键词