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《社会发展简史》第八课《封建社会的形成》,简单介绍了封建社会形成的经过。教材为了说明封建社会形成的长期性、复杂性、激烈性,列举了我国春秋战国时期齐国田氏代齐、鲁国初税亩、秦国商鞅变法以及欧洲日耳曼族入侵西罗马等史实。那么,教师应该怎样向学生讲述封建社会的形成呢?最近我到几个学校听几位老师讲《封建社会的形成》一课。感到存在着一个共同的问题,即在课堂教学中仅仅简单介绍了我国战国时齐、韩、赵、魏、鲁、秦六国新兴地主阶级反对旧奴隶主贵族的斗争和欧洲日耳曼族入侵西罗马的史 Brief History of Social Development Lesson 8 “Formation of Feudal Society” briefly introduces the formation of feudal society. In order to illustrate the long-term, complex and intense nature of the formation of feudal society, the textbook lists the historical facts of Qi Guotian’s Qi, Lu Guoshai’s Tax, Qin’s Shang Yang Reform, and the European Germans’ invasion of Western Rome in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. So, how should teachers tell fellow students about the formation of feudal society? Recently I went to several schools to listen to a few teachers about “the formation of feudal society” a lesson. He felt that there was a common problem. In classroom teaching, he simply introduced the struggle of the emerging landlords in the Warring States Period with the aristocrats of the old slave-owners in Qi, Han, Zhao, Wei, Lu and Qin Dynasties and the invasion of the European Germans in western Rome History
山东省即墨机电产品销售公司(以下简称原告)诉即墨机电设备总公司(以下简称被告)返还财产案,本院受理后,依法组成合议庭公开审理,现已审理终结。 本庭认为,被告在1994年3月2
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