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本试验以春油菜品种阳光85为材料,采用正交试验设计,研究了密度、氮肥、磷肥对春油菜产量的影响,了解春油菜生产中合理施肥和科学调控群体结构。结果表明,不同密度和施肥水平对春油菜株高,分枝部位高,有效分枝数、主轴角果数、单株角果数和角果粒数均影响显著,但对千粒重影响不显著。株高和分枝部位随密度的增大而升高,也随氮肥施用量的增加而升高,但与施磷量没有规律性变化。随种植密度的增加有效分枝数大大减少,群体主轴角果比例增大,主轴角果数决定大田产量的29.4%变异,角果粒数决定大田产量的20.7%变异,全株产量决定大田产量的30.1%变异,这三个主要因子决定了大田产量80.2%变异。说明在春油菜生产中单株产量起着关键性作用,需较高的氮肥水平促进个体发育。从施肥量与密度的互作效应可以看出,施氮量190 kg/hm~2,施磷量40 kg/hm~2,种植密度提高到44万株/hm~2时增产效果最好。 In this experiment, the spring rapeseed variety Sunshine 85 was used as the material. The effects of density, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer on the yield of spring rape were studied by orthogonal design. The rational fertilization and scientific regulation of the population structure in spring rape were studied. The results showed that different densities and fertilization levels had significant effects on plant height, branch height, number of effective branches, number of main axis pods, number of pods per plant and number of pods per spring, but had no significant effect on 1000-grain weight. Plant height and branch location increased with the increase of density, but also increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, but there was no regular change with phosphorus application rate. With the increase of planting densities, the number of effective branches decreased greatly, the proportion of spindle-fruit population in population increased, the number of spindle pod determined 29.4% variation in field output, the number of pod population determined 20.7% variation in field output, Of the 30.1% variation, these three major factors determine the field yield 80.2% variation. It indicated that single plant yield plays a crucial role in spring rapeseed production, and requires a higher level of nitrogen fertilizer to promote individual development. From the interaction effect of fertilizer and density, it can be seen that nitrogen application rate is 190 kg / hm ~ 2 and phosphorus application rate is 40 kg / hm ~ 2. When planting density is increased to 440000 plants / hm ~ 2, the yield increase effect is the best.
<正>矮小症是指身高低于第三百分位以下,生长速度4岁以前小于每年6 cm,4~8岁小于每年5 cm,青春发育期前小于每年4 cm;根据骨龄评价骨骼成熟度,落后实际年龄2岁以上[1];或身高
1970年,两位心理学博士William C.Byham博士和Douglas W.Bray博士在美国创建了Development Dimensions International(DDI智睿咨询有限公司)测评中心。中心初创的目的就在于