立足区域经济发展 创办特色职业教育

来源 :辽宁教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fremar
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昌图县职教中心创建于1994年,现有21个教学班,学生1410人,教职工162人。学校以服务县域经济为出发点,以就业为导向,以能力为本位,秉承“以人为本、和谐发展、特色立校、服务社会”的办学理念,积极拓宽“校企合作、工学交替、顶岗实习”的办学之路,为县域发展做出了巨大贡献。一、紧贴市场需求,科学设置专业学校在认真学习研究国家经 Changtu County Vocational Education Center was founded in 1994, the existing 21 teaching classes, 1,410 students, 162 staff. Schools to serve the county economy as a starting point, employment-oriented, ability-based, adhering to the “people-oriented, harmonious development, the characteristics of the school, social services,” the concept of running school, and actively broaden the “school-enterprise cooperation, Internship, ”the school’s road for the development of the county made a significant contribution. First, keep abreast of market demand, set up professional schools in science and study seriously study the country
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自1986年实行革新开放以来,越南一直把引进外资作为解决经济建设 资金的重要来源,并通过颁布法规,制定投资政策,提供投资忧惠, 保障投资利益,作为吸引外资的重要条件。自