
来源 :哈尔滨市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cracezhangxh
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哈政发[2016]12号各区、县(市)人民政府,市政府各委、办、局:现将《哈尔滨市重点企业引进优秀人才扶持办法》予以印发,请认真贯彻执行。2016年5月23日哈尔滨市重点企业引进优秀人才扶持办法为支持重点企业引进优秀人才,强化人才智力对经济转型发展的支撑,根据省有关人才引进细则,结合我市实际,制定本办法。第一条本办法所称重点企业,是指在哈尔滨市市区范围内设立税务登记、对全市经济发展具有较强带动能力或示范效应、对财政收入增长具有较大贡献的企业,具体包括以下6类: Ha'erfa [2016] No.12 People's governments of all districts and counties (cities), municipal commissions, offices and bureaus: We hereby publish the “Measures for Supporting the Key Talents in Harbin City to Be Introduced to High-quality Talents” and earnestly implement them. May 23, 2016 Harbin-based Key Enterprise Introduction of Talents Support Measures In order to support key enterprises in attracting talented people and strengthening the support of talented individuals for economic restructuring and development, the Measures are formulated in accordance with the provincial regulations on the introduction of qualified personnel and the actual conditions in our city. Article 1 The “key enterprises” as mentioned in the present Measures refer to enterprises that set up tax registration within the urban area of ​​Harbin, which have a strong driving force or demonstration effect on the economic development of the city and make greater contributions to the growth of financial revenue, including the following Category 6
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