U. S. Says Fewer High School Students Having Sex

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我一直是贵刊的热心读者。贵刊在1997年第7期发表了余皑媛选译的“Mom,I Want to Live with My Boyfriend”、作为一个“小女初长成”的母亲,我读了之后,久久不能平静,甚至还掉下了伤心的泪水。女儿在外地读大学,回来 度暑假,我同自己的女儿促膝长谈,希望她从该文中记取有益的东西,让生活的风帆永远高高升起。今年第5期的《科技英语学习》又刊登了Rosemary Adang的“关于美国女学生未婚先孕的问题”的文章,我也浮想联翩,觉得中国和美国的国情大异,而中国人的许多传统美德是我们民族的源远流长的精神财富,我们应该永远继承和发扬下去。今日,我在Internet上读到了美国中学生的“性况”,惊讶之余,觉得文章信息丰富可靠。有必要让国人知道此真情。作为贵刊前两篇文章的续篇,我寄上加注的全文。望借贵刊一隅刊登。 I have always been an enthusiastic reader of your magazine. In the 7th issue of 1997, your magazine published the “Mom, I Want to Live with My Boyfriend”, translated by Yu Yuyuan, as a mother who had grown up as a “beginning of a young lady.” After I read it, I could not calm down and even fell. Sad tears. My daughter went to college in a foreign country and came back to summer vacation. I talked with my own daughter about a long conversation and hoped that she could learn useful things from the article and let the sails of life always rise. The fifth issue of this year’s “Study in Science and Technology” published Rosemary Adang’s article “On the Problem of Unmarried Pregnancy among U.S. Female Students”. I also imagined that the relationship between China and the U.S. is quite different and that many of the Chinese people’s traditions Virtue is the long-established spiritual wealth of our nation. We should always inherit and carry forward. Today, I read the “status” of American middle school students on the Internet. When I was surprised, I felt that the article information was rich and reliable. It is necessary to let people know this truth. As a sequel to the first two articles of your magazine, I sent the full text of the remarks. I hope to publish it in your magazine.
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Where there is love, there are miracles.    Where there is great love, there are always miracles.  哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。    Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.  
[焦点一]people作“人”、“人们”解时,表示复数意义;用作主语时,谓语动词须用复数形式。例如:W ho are these people?这些人是谁?W hat will people think of this?人们将