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实行法治究竟需要不需要党的领导,有了党的领导还需要法治吗,这样的有关党和法治关系的问题,是依法治国无法回避的问题。习近平指出,“党和法治的关系是法治建设的核心问题。”十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,对党和法治的关系做出了科学的揭示和阐释。1、领导关系我国宪法确立了中国共产党的领导地位。坚持党的领导,是社会主义法治的根本要求,是党和国家的根 Whether the implementation of the rule of law needs the leadership of the party or not depends on whether the party’s leadership needs the rule of law. Such a question on the relationship between the party and the rule of law is an issue that can not be evaded by governing the country by law. Xi pointed out that “the relationship between the party and the rule of law is the core issue for the construction of the rule of law.” “The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues in Promoting the Ruling of Country by Law,” adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and the relationship between the party and the rule of law The scientific disclosure and interpretation. 1, the leadership relations China’s constitution established the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. To uphold the party’s leadership is the fundamental requirement of the socialist rule of law and the root of the party and state
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Protein kinase C-β(PKCβ), a member of the lipidactivated serine/threonine PKC family, has been implicated in a wide range of important cellular processes. Ver
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