
来源 :中国疫苗和免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoweitao2007
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目的了解中国口服脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)减毒活疫苗(Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine,OPV)强化免疫策略实施研究的现状及其发展趋势。方法采用文献计量学方法,对1993~2007年《中国生物医学文献光盘数据库》收录的有关中国OPV强化免疫策略的相关研究文献进行定量统计分析。结果共检索出279篇有关OPV强化免疫策略的文献,15年间国内刊物上该领域发表的文献数量呈逐年上升趋势。该研究领域拥有一支较广泛的作者队伍,主要的科研力量分布在北京、广东、山东、浙江等省、直辖市。收录文献较多的期刊是《中国计划免疫》(现刊名《中国疫苗和免疫》)、《中国公共卫生》、《中华流行病学杂志》等。研究主要集中在OPV强化免疫后的效果评价、脊灰中和抗体水平的监测以及维持无脊灰状态进展等方面。结论OPV强化免疫实施策略的研究呈现地区发展不平衡、研究机构局限、整体研究水平不高、研究内容单一等现象,建议拓宽机构间的合作,加大OPV强化免疫策略实施效果绩效评价、效果评价方法学以及卫生经济学评价等方面的研究力度。 Objective To investigate the status quo and development trend of the implementation strategy of Chinese Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine (OPV). Methods The bibliometric method was used to analyze the literature about the intensified immune strategy of OPV in China collected from “China Biomedical Literature CD-ROM Database” from 1993 to 2007. Results A total of 279 articles on OPV immunization strategies were retrieved. The number of articles published in this field in domestic journals has been increasing year by year in the past 15 years. The research area has a more extensive author team, the main force of scientific research located in Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and other provinces and municipalities. More journals are included in the list of “China’s planned immunization” (now entitled “China’s vaccine and immunization”), “China’s public health”, “Chinese Journal of Epidemiology” and so on. The research focuses on the evaluation of the effect of OPV after boosting, the monitoring of the level of neutralizing antibodies in polio and the progress of maintaining polio-free status. CONCLUSIONS: The research on strategies of implementing OPV intensified immunization presents the phenomenon of unbalanced regional development, limited research institutions, low level of overall research and single study contents. It is suggested that the cooperation among agencies should be broadened and the performance evaluation and evaluation of OPV intensified immunization strategies should be strengthened Methodology and health economics evaluation and other aspects of research efforts.
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本论文以汉字构形学理论为指导,对元代碑刻楷书字形进行整理和研究,整理出元代碑刻楷书字样材料,分析元代碑刻楷书书写和构形特点。 论文分为五个部分 1.绪论。对本文的题
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