
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaofeidong
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政治课教学的改革应该成为各科教学改革的先导,尤其是在发达资本主义国家战后出现相对稳定和发展以及社会主义运动在前进中出现曲折的新形势下,政治课教学的特殊使命决定了它需要改革的迫切性。对于职业中学政治课教学的改革,我有以下设想。一、真正处理好五个关系。第一、处理好学生的知识基础、接受能力和教学大纲、教材内容的关系。学生的知识基础、接受能力是施教最现实、最直接的客观依据。大纲和教材是教学的重要依据,要结合不同地方、不同职业学校学生的实际情况进行教学。第二、处理好思想觉悟的提高与基本理论知识教学的关系。知识、能力、觉悟三位一体的政治课教学中,在职业中学要特别处理好理 The reform of political teaching should be the forerunner of teaching reforms in various disciplines. Especially under the new circumstances in which the developed capitalist countries appeared relative stability and development after the war and the socialist movements were turning upside down, the special mission of political teaching was determined. It needs the urgency of reform. For the reform of the teaching of political classes in vocational middle schools, I have the following ideas. First, truly handle the five relationships. First, the relationship between the students’ knowledge base, acceptance ability and syllabus, and teaching materials should be properly handled. Students’ knowledge base and ability to accept are the most realistic and direct objective basis for teaching. Syllabus and teaching materials are an important basis for teaching. It is necessary to combine teaching with the actual situation of students in different places and vocational schools. Second, handle the relationship between the improvement of ideological consciousness and the teaching of basic theoretical knowledge. In the teaching of the political teaching of the trinity of knowledge, ability, and awareness, special treatment should be given to professional schools.
1.下面注音完全正确的一组是( ) A.忧郁youyu 逡巡junxun 恣睢zisui B.缄默jianmo 执拗zhiniu 阔绰kuochuo C.矍铄jueshuo 淳朴shuopu 一绺yiliu D.晦暗hui’an 省亲shengqi
[作文范围] 借景抒情的记叙文 [作文要求] 景和情紧密结合,有真情实感 [训练指导要点] “借景抒情”是作文的具体范围。既要写景,又要抒发作者的思想感情。一般可以先写景,
[审题] 本次作文训练属给材料作文。 1.本次作文训练的特点:读写紧密结合。本单元三篇课文的体裁分别为思想评论和文学评论,本次作文的重点也是思想评论和文学评论,体现了读