
来源 :学前教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyzwrf
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随着社会主义市场经济的发展,人们的思想、观念发生了很大变化,这对幼儿园教育是一个严峻的考验。重视幼儿教育与不重视幼儿教育在幼儿家长中有不同的反映,有的家长说:一个月交这么多钱,不入幼儿园照样入小学,升大学,上一年学前班就得了。我们认为,家长之所以有这些想法也不足为奇,主要原因是对早期受教育的重要性认识不足。 我们在反复了解分析了家长思想之后,采取了水不来先筑坝的方法,防止幼儿流失,下决心抓好家长工作,平衡家长的心理,与家长建立亲密关系,充分发挥家长学校的作用。 其一,定期给幼儿家长讲课,讲清幼儿园的教育目标和科学育儿的方法,使家长了解早期教育的重要性。 其二,让家长参与幼儿园的活动,我们开展了幼儿与家长共创布贴画的活动,展出作品,并评出一、 With the development of socialist market economy, great changes have taken place in people’s thoughts and concepts, which is a severe test for kindergarten education. Pay attention to early childhood education and do not pay attention to early childhood education in parents have different reactions, some parents said: one month to pay so much money, not into kindergarten into primary school, college, the year before the kindergarten had. We think it is not surprising that parents have these ideas, mainly because of a lack of understanding of the importance of early education. After we have repeatedly analyzed and analyzed the ideas of parents, we have taken measures to prevent dampening of infants. We are determined to do a good job in parenting, to balance the mentality of parents, to establish intimacy with parents and to give full play to the role of parent schools. First, give regular lectures to parents of young children, and clarify the educational goals of kindergartens and scientific child-rearing methods so that parents understand the importance of early education. Second, let parents participate in kindergarten activities, we conducted a child care and parental activities to create a poster, display works, and evaluation of a,
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流年似水,童年有许许多多回忆。回首往事,只有那件事还清晰地浮在眼前:那是夏季的一天,天下着雨。我急急忙忙从同学家走出来,骑上自行车,疾驰在回家的路上。 Flows, childho
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