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对于很多人来说,2017年普利兹克奖的最终获奖者RCR绝对是一个冷门。这个全称又被叫做阿兰达、皮格姆和比拉尔塔的建筑事务所,位于西班牙东北一个名为奥洛特的小镇上,而镇上人口不足3万人;从项目规模上讲,RCR至今建成的所有项目里,就没有建筑面积超过2万m~2的;从年龄上讲,事务所的3位合伙人平均年龄为56岁,相对于建筑师漫长的职业生涯来说,这才是刚过青年。这个事务所既没有从事过太多社会活动,又不太刻意关注贫困或者低技;曾经普利兹克奖的几大原则—知名度高、明星项目、终身成就、政治正确等因素,在RCR身上都无法得到丝毫验证。从默默无闻到一鸣惊人吸引了众多媒体的关注,却也带来了诸多疑问:RCR究竟是怎样的一个组合,又为什么会受到普利兹克奖评审们的青睐?在这个专题里,本刊特约西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学的博士宋玮,为我们撰写了题为《意外与必然—RCR建筑作品与特点综述》的文章,他曾在西班牙求学、工作长达6年,在这期间两次拜访过RCR工作室,亦曾对合伙人之一的卡莫·皮格姆做过一次专业且深入的专访,归国后著有《黄金时代—西班牙当代建筑全景》一书。下文从RCR的职业经历、其作品中所体现出的主要特点,以及与RCR同龄的西班牙建筑师整体状况等多个角度分析了RCR获得普利兹克奖的原因,并希望为读者在理解地域性与全球化之间提供一种新的思路。 For many, RCR, the ultimate winner of the 2017 Pritzker Prize, is definitely a hit. This full name is also called Aranda, Pigemem and Bjerr tower architectural firm, located in a small town in northeastern Spain called Olot, and the town population of less than 30,000 people; from the project size, None of the RCR projects built thus far has a gross floor area of ​​more than 20,000 m 2; the average age of three partners at the firm is 56, compared to the architect’s long career, which It is just after youth. The firm neither engaged in too much social activity, but also not very concerned about poverty or low technology; Pritzker Prize has several major principles - high visibility, celebrity projects, life-long achievements, politically correct and other factors, all on RCR Can not get the slightest verification. From the unknown to the blockbuster has attracted the attention of many media, but it also brought a lot of questions: RCR exactly what kind of a portfolio, but also why the Pritzker Prize reviewers of all ages? In this topic, the publication of special Spanish Plus Song Wei, a Ph.D. candidate at Catalunya University of Technology, wrote an essay entitled “A Summary of Unexpected and Necessary-CR Architectures and Features.” He studied in Spain for six years and during the two visits After a RCR studio, he also conducted a professional and in-depth interview with Camo Pigeon, one of the partners. After returning home, he wrote the book entitled “Golden Age - Panorama of Contemporary Spanish Architecture”. The following section analyzes the reasons why RCR received the Pritzker Prize from the professional experience of RCR, the main characteristics embodied in its works, and the overall status of Spanish architects of the same age as RCR. It is hoped that readers’ understanding of territoriality And globalization to provide a new way of thinking.