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扩大内需,启动消费是当前经济工作的当务之急。作为经济细胞的企业,也在为开拓市场而努力,然而不少企业并未收到预期的效果。其实,科技创新是块很有分量的“敲门砖”。就在去年一片“生意难做”声中,一些企业正是依靠科技创新赢得了消费者的青睐,创造了新的业绩。美菱瞄准国人“吃新鲜”的需求,去年在引进国外先进的抗菌技术、防霉除臭技术的基础上,组织保鲜技术攻关,经过100多个昼夜的奋斗,在冰箱内设置了六道保鲜装置,成功地开发出具有很大市场潜力的“保鲜”冰箱,这一技术创新,使冰箱的保质水平有了质的飞跃,因而一上市,消费者即排队购买,该集团由此实现了产销率、利税额的强势增长。海信集团去年实现销售收入82.5亿元,利税4.06亿元,均比上年有较大幅度的增长。其奥秘同样是技术创新, Expanding domestic demand and starting consumption are top priorities for the current economic work. As a business unit of economic cells, they are also working hard to open up markets. However, many enterprises have not received the expected results. In fact, science and technology innovation is a very weighty piece of “stepping stone”. Just last year, a “difficult business to do” sound, some companies rely on technological innovation has won the favor of consumers and create new achievements. Meiling aimed at people “eat fresh” needs last year, the introduction of foreign advanced anti-bacterial technology, anti-mildew deodorant technology, organize fresh-keeping technology research, after more than 100 days and nights of struggle, set in the refrigerator six fresh Device, the successful development of a great market potential of “fresh ” refrigerator, this technological innovation, the quality level of the refrigerator has made a qualitative leap, so a market, consumers that line up to buy, the group thus achieved The production and sales rates, profits and taxes a strong growth. Hisense Group achieved sales revenue of 8.25 billion yuan last year, profits and taxes of 406 million yuan, both with a more substantial increase over the previous year. Its mystery is also a technology innovation,
今天我带来的是关于动物冤大头的故事}人。当然,今天的主角都是动物。什么是冤大匆矍撇撇燃蒸蘸黔姗姗湍鹭矍撇弊概珊撇撇撇瓤彝硫’ 贪婴故事中的狼如:狼狈为i鄂鄂瓷指的狼
}A、竺击班产乍亡黯未留舞片耀;老we use tllis‘t0一由aw stra论htl旅象连线练习 } A Zhuzhu class produced dark and dark did not stay away from the film Yao; old we
一、让B级人做A级事这是开发人才的一种成功做法。意思是让低职者高就,目的是压担子促成长。我们的传统做法是 First, let B-class people do A-level things This is a su
国 清波门外拥青衣,杨花相送飞。西湖又还春晚,水树乱莺啼。闲院宇,小帘炜。晚初归。钟声已过,篆香才点,月到门时。这首词写人与景的融合,神清韵,读来令人觉得潇【作者】仲殊