
来源 :花样盛年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinagood111
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倾城你好:我想我们是同龄人吧。以前常看你的文章,每一篇都很喜欢。所以不知不觉,在心里就把你当作朋友了。我大学毕业后一边读研一边结婚生子,拿到硕士学位时女儿才一岁,两边都没有老人帮忙,我爱人当时又正是事业上升期,我对职场也比较恐惧,所以就说,先带孩子,等孩子上幼儿园再出来工作吧。你也知道,报纸上经常有这样的言论,陪孩子到三岁,妈妈再谋求自我发展什么什么的,现在想想,真是扯呀,难道没有工作经验、三十岁,还和人家二十出头的小姑娘竞争前台职位吗?所以我就名 Allure hello: I think we are the same age. I used to read your essay and liked it very much. So unconsciously, I treat you as a friend in my heart. After I graduated from university and studied at the same university, I got married and gave birth to a child. When I got my master’s degree, I was only one year old. I did not have any help from the elderly on both sides. I was a man at a time when I was a career manager. Children, wait for kids to work in kindergarten again. You also know that there are often such remarks in the newspapers. When the three-year-olds accompany their children and the mother seeks to develop their own self-development, what are you thinking about now? Really, I have no work experience, I am 30 years old and I am still in my early 20s The little girl competition foreground position? So I name
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