加强管理 提高效益 进一步贯彻落实设备管理条例

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我厂抓住当前有利时机,大力加强企业管理,进一步深入贯彻落实《设备管理条例》,1992年获得江苏“质量、品种、效益”型先进企业的称号.1993年,又前实现“产值超亿元、利税超千万”的目标.实践表明由于不断改进和加强设备管理,连续10年设备保持好的技术状态安全生产运行,为企业优质、高产、提高经济效益创造了有利条件.一、厂长带头学《条例》,是提高全员设备管理意识,向管理要效益的根本保证我厂金礼才厂长不仅带头学习和落实《条例》,而且还非常重视抓好全员教育.1993年共有892人进行岗位培训学习,参学率达92%,其中干部达98%,全厂平均成绩为93.7分.与此同时,还请专家来厂辅导,或派员出去虚心求教.由于领导重视认真贯彻落实《条例》,有效地增强了全员设备管理意识,为向设备管理要效益创造了良好的环境.二、依靠技术进步,大力加强设备改造是向管理要效益的关键遵照李鹏总理关于“要依靠技术进步,改造老设备,挖掘企业内部潜力,发挥设备资产效益”的指示精神,我厂始终以坚持依靠技术进步,加快设备改造步伐,增强企业后劲为经营方针,第一期技改项目投入1400万元,设备新度系数从0.68升到0.847.为适应市场对企业发展的需要,我们着重抓了以下几项工作:1.企业产品必须适应市场的需要,也是设备配套的目标.在激 I plant to seize the current favorable opportunity, vigorously strengthen corporate management, and further implement the “Regulations on Equipment Management” in depth, in 1992 won the “quality, variety, efficiency” of advanced enterprises in the title. In 1993, before the realization of “the output value of billions of dollars The practice has shown that due to the continuous improvement and strengthening of equipment management, the equipment maintains a good state of technology for safe production and operation for 10 consecutive years, creating favorable conditions for the company’s high quality, high output, and improved economic efficiency. The long lead in learning the ”Regulations“ is to improve the overall equipment management awareness and ensure the effectiveness of management. Our factory manager Jin Licai not only takes the lead in studying and implementing the ”Regulations“, but also attaches great importance to the education of all staff. In 1993, there were a total of 892 People engaged in on-the-job training and learning, the participation rate was 92%, of which 98% of the cadres were 98%. The average score of the whole factory was 93.7 points. At the same time, the experts were invited to come to the factory for counseling, or send members to go out to seek advice. As the leaders attach importance to earnestly implement The implementation of the “Regulations” has effectively enhanced the awareness of all-equipment equipment management and created a good environment for the benefit of equipment management. Second, relying on technological progress, and vigorously strengthening the equipment transformation. The key to management effectiveness is to follow the instructions of Premier Li Peng on ”relying on technological progress, transforming old equipment, tapping internal potentials of enterprises, and making use of equipment asset benefits". Our factory has always insisted on relying on technological progress, accelerating the pace of equipment transformation, and strengthening enterprises. Stamina is the operating principle. The first phase of the technical reform project invested 14 million yuan, and the newness coefficient of the equipment has risen from 0.68 to 0.847. To adapt to the market’s needs for enterprise development, we have focused on the following tasks: 1. The company’s products must adapt The needs of the market are also the goals of equipment support.
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