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女大学生向贫困山区献爱心1982年3月,李华芬出生在河南省淅川县滔河乡严湾村。她有一个弟弟和一个妹妹,父亲李杉牛在滔河三中教书,母亲严巧珍在家务农,贫穷的家庭全靠父亲那微薄的工资支撑着。2003年高考过后,李华芬被西安交通大学录取了。而弟弟和妹妹通过中考考入高中。为给弟弟妹妹让路,李华芬含泪放弃了梦寐以求的西安交通大学,最终选择了学制为2年,学费每期2800元的郑州财经学院。转眼到了2004年9月13日晚上,李华芬在学校上网时看到了一个名为“两所乡村小学和一个支教者”的帖子,帖子介绍了华中农业大学支教大学生徐本禹的感人事迹。图片中展现出破烂不堪的校舍、衣衫褴褛的孩子。也就是在这一刻,李华芬决定要为这些远隔千山万水的孩子们做点力所能及的事情。有了这个想法后,李华芬利用课余时间在校园捡废品,拿回去后就先放在宿舍的床铺下。积攒到一定数量后,就拿到废品收购店。她准备把钱攒到一定数目后,资助徐本禹支教的贵州省大方县大水乡大石小学的孩子们。李华芬的行为感染了整个宿舍的女孩,一到课余时间大家都帮助她去拾废品。很快一个月过去了,李华芬在同室女孩们的帮助下一共攒了342元。经过多方打听,李华芬联系上了远在贵州支教的徐本禹。电话那边的徐本禹激动地连声说:“谢谢,欢迎你来这里支教。”李华芬除了在校内捡破烂外,还利用周末或节假日深入到社区和街道捡。2004年10月1日长假期间,李华芬来到二七路景田花园小区内收废品,七天长假,李华芬共挣了168元。接下来的半个月里,李华芬又攒了300元钱,她马上又给贵州山区寄了过去。李华芬两次寄去的600多元钱共救助了4个失学儿童,与此同时,徐本禹把远在河南的李华芬靠拾破烂资助他们的事迹告诉了全班同学,所有孩子都对远方的这位姐姐多了几分敬佩。这时,病魔却突然袭向了这位善良的女大学生。2005年1月9日,李华芬正在上课,突然一阵眩晕,昏倒在课堂上。老师和同学们急忙把她送到河南省中医院抢救,经过认真检查,医生凝重地告知李华芬患了急性粒白血病。 Female College Students Offer Love to Poverty-Stricken Mountain Areas In March 1982, Li Huafen was born in Yanwan Village, Jiaohe Township, Luanchuan County, Henan Province. She has a younger brother and a younger sister. His father, Li Shanniu, teaches at Luohe No. 3 Middle School. His mother, Yan Qiaozhen, works at farming. The poor family depends on his father’s meager wages. After the college entrance examination in 2003, Li Huafen was admitted to Xi’an Jiaotong University. The younger brother and sister admitted to high school through the entrance exam. In order to give way to his younger brother and sister, Li Huafen abandoned the dream of Xi’an Jiaotong University, and finally chose the Zhengzhou Finance and Economics Institute with a schooling system of 2 years and a tuition fee of 2,800 yuan per period. On the evening of September 13, 2004, Li Huafen saw a post titled “Two Rural Primary Schools and a Supporting Teacher” when he was online at the school. The post introduced the moving story of Xu Benzhao, a university student at Huazhong Agricultural University. The picture shows a shabby school building and ragged children. That is, at this moment, Li Huafen decided to do something for these children who are separated by mountains and rivers. With this idea in mind, Li Huafen used spare time to dump the waste on campus and put it back on the bed in the dormitory after getting it back. After accumulating a certain amount of money, they will get a scrap shop. After she had prepared for a certain amount of money, she supported the children of Dashi Primary School in Dashui Township, Dafang County, Guizhou Province, who supported Xu Benzhao. Li Huafen’s behavior infected the girl in the dormitory. Everyone in the spare time helped her to pick up waste. A month later, Li Huafen married a total of 342 yuan with the help of girls in the same room. After many inquiries, Li Huafen contacted Xu Benzheng, who was supported by Guizhou. Xu Bensheng from the phone over there exclaimed with excitement: “Thank you, welcome to come here to teach.” In addition to being crippled in school, Li Huafen also uses weekends and holidays to get into the streets and streets. On October 1, 2004, during the long vacation, Li Huafen came to collect the waste products from the garden area of ​​Jingtian Garden on Erqi Road. After seven days of vacation, Li Huafen earned a total of 168 yuan. In the following two weeks, Li Huafen had another 300 yuan. She immediately sent her past to the mountains of Guizhou. Two hundred yuan of extra money sent by Li Huafen twice helped save the four children who were out of school. At the same time, Xu Benzhao told the entire class that the far-heavy school in Henan Province, Li Huafen, funded them by plowing. All the children were far away from this sister. A little more admiration. At this time, the disease suddenly hit the good female university student. On January 9, 2005, Li Huafen was in class and suddenly he dizzy and fainted in class. The teachers and classmates hurriedly sent her to Henan Provincial Hospital for medical treatment. After careful examination, the doctor solemnly informed Li Huafen of acute leukemia.
“在西南   山如江河蜿蜒   城如星斗不减   我们怀抱知识   如火 铸就就文化的城池   美 迎风于天际   ……”  这些用繁体字分行书写的,不是诗,是广告文案。2015年3月16日,方所书店在重庆试营业。店内面积2300平方米,分为书籍、咖啡、服饰、美学商品四个区。在书籍区,一条长长的斜坡将人引到书海,两边的书架高低错落,仿佛依山而建。  这是方所在中国的第三家店。2011年,第一家方所
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1990年代清华园里流行着这样一个段子:“神经敏感的家伙表达敏感的方式不外乎两类——自杀或写作。  诗社正是不愿自杀的那类家伙集体狂欢的地方。”  择一晴日,几个人呼朋唤友骑行到八达岭长城,找一处桃花树,或者躺在地上,或者靠在树旁。  从人生的追问到哲学的思索,几瓶啤酒,几行诗,从白日谈到夜晚,从夕阳西下谈到满天星斗。  1990年代的清华诗人,以梦为马,诗酒趁年华。  “对于十几岁的年轻人来说,
这是一个注定会光耀两岸交流史册的日子。根据海协会与海基会签署的《海峡两岸关于大陆居民赴台湾旅游协议》,2008年7月18日,大陆居民赴台旅游正式实施。 This is a day des
前不久,中山市台商刘某投诉其合伙人黄某,陈某违反双方签定的《合作经营协议书》,偷偷转移公司财物、篡改公司的帐目。 该事件起因于双方所签定的《合作经营协议书》,协议书