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年末是节日的高峰期,也是商品的促销期和消费者的消费集中期。元旦、圣诞、春节等几个重量级的连环大节,就如同重磅炸弹一样,只要操作准确,就会引起商品销量的“井喷”。对于企业来说,年末促销是在年度结束前,通过非常规的营销方式来迅速提升产品的销售量,从而完成年度销售目标的最有效的营销手段。因此,年末促销首要目标就是要确保“终端出量”。大节来临,放眼终端,各品牌的促销力度空前绝后,促销场面红红火火,促销人员摩肩接踵,叫卖声此起彼伏,这些大节促销必备的特征,让消费者眼花缭乱,在这种非常规的竞争环境下,企业要求终端出量,是对零售终端的挑战和考验。但是,大节的消费潜力是诱人的,企业要确保大节期间终端出量,节前的备战工作至关重要。 The end of the year is the peak period of the festival, and it is also the period of promotion of goods and consumer concentration period of consumption. New Year’s Day, Christmas, Chinese New Year, and other heavyweight serial sections are just like blockbusters. As long as the operation is accurate, it will cause “blowouts” in the sales of goods. For companies, year-end promotion is the most effective marketing method to achieve the annual sales target by using unconventional marketing methods to quickly increase the sales volume of products before the end of the year. Therefore, the primary goal of year-end promotion is to ensure “terminal output”. With the arrival of the festival, the brand’s sales force is unprecedented. The sales scene is booming. Salespeople are rushing in and out, and the cries of sales are rising and falling. These essential features of festival promotions make consumers dazzled in this unconventional competitive environment. Next, enterprises require terminal output to be a challenge and a test for retail terminals. However, the consumption potential of the major festivals is tempting. Enterprises must ensure terminal output during the festival. Pre-holiday preparation work is very important.
许国璋《英语》Book I第81页有这样一句话:In the afternoon,he doeshis homework and reads the newspaper.有学生问,为什么这个句子里的“newspaper”后不加复数词尾“s”
8月15日 晴  信念是什么?信念是炫目的先秦繁星,是皎洁的汉宫秋月;是珠落玉盘的琵琶,是高山流水的琴瑟;是推敲不定的月下门,是但求一字的的数茎须;是庄子的逍遥云游,是孔子的颠沛流离;是魏王的老骥之志,是诸葛的锦囊妙计;是君子好逑的《诗经》,是魂兮归来的《楚辞》;是执过扬鞭的《兵法》,是受过宫刑的《史记》;是李太白的杯中酒,是曹雪芹的梦中泪;是千古绝唱的诗词曲赋,是巧垂青史的《四库全书》。  有时
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Mr.Kim began to study English last month.After his first day inschool,he went to a stationery①store to buy some school supplies②.Hebought two notebooks with