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这个会议于1988年7月15—18日在伊春市召开,由黑龙江省地理学会、全国经济地理科学与教育研究会黑龙江分会和伊春市友好林业局联合主办。参加会议的有省内外有关大专院校及科研单位的专家、学者和伊春市及林业局的领导、科技工作者。会议由黑龙江省地理学会杜仲顾问和陶忠信理事长主持。会上收到文章56篇。这次会议是1987年7月在东宁县召开黑龙江省山地开发模式学术讨论会的继续和发展,对黑龙江省山地开发进行了较为系统而又深入的研究,从而引起了省内有关领导的重视。 中共中央农村政策研究室艾云航参加了会议,并做了以《林业对改善生态环境、发展社会经济的作 The meeting was held in Yichun City on July 15-18, 1988 and was jointly organized by the Heilongjiang Provincial Geographic Society, the Heilongjiang Branch of the National Economic Geography Science and Education Research Association and the Yulin Friendship Forestry Bureau. Attending the meeting are experts and scholars from universities and research institutes both inside and outside the province and leaders and scientists of Yichun City and Forestry Bureau. The meeting was hosted by Eucommia Consultants and Chairman Tao Zhongxin of the Geographical Society of Heilongjiang Province. At the meeting received 56 articles. The meeting was held in July 1987 in Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province mountain development model seminars held in the continuation and development of mountain development in Heilongjiang Province conducted a more systematic and in-depth study, which has aroused the attention of the relevant leaders in the province. Ai Yun Hang, director of the Rural Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech titled "Forestry for Improving Ecological Environment and Developing Social Economy
The ancient Maya civilization documented calendar dates beyond 2012. This shocking news has been revealed inside ancient ruins of the sprawling Maya city of Xul
20 0 0年 12月 2 1~ 2 3日 ,中国工程机械学会路面与压实机械分学会在广州召开年会暨 2 0 0 0年公路路面新技术与新设备研讨会 ,分学会理事长孙祖望教授、西安筑路机械有限公
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道路沥青混合料目标配合比设计快速确定法林绣贤 游国兰  1— 3…………………………旧水泥混凝土路面加铺改造实践研究王永安 符冠华 张 善等  1— 9……………加筋土