践行“三个代表”重要思想 保持共产党员先进性——教育厅召开先进性教育活动第一阶段总结暨第二阶段动员会议

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3月20日,自治区教育厅召开先进性教育活动第一阶段总结暨第二阶段动员会议。自治区教育工委书记、教育厅厅长蔡国英就先进性教育活动学习动员阶段作了工作总结并就分析评议阶段工作安排提出具体意见。教育厅先进性教育活动自1月19日开始以来,厅党组严格按照中央和自治区党委的安排部署,结合我区教育改革发展和教育厅工作实际,坚持边学、边查、边改,始终在真学、学懂、真用上下工夫。先进性教育活动取得了阶段性的成效,主要表现在一是统一了思想认识,坚定了理想信念;二是提出了新时期保持共产党员先进性的具体要求,明确了努力方向;三是建立了制度,提供了保障;四是增强了责任感,推动了各项工作;五是强化了服务意识,促进了作风转变。主要做法和体会是:(1)厅党组高度重视、认识到位、加强领导,为先进性教育活动的健康推进提供坚强的组织保证;(2)建立有效的管理制度和工作机制,为先进性教育活动的顺利有序开展提供有力的制度保证;(3)精心组织、营造氛围、创新内容,为先进性教育活动扎实开展奠定基础;(4)创新载体,结合实际,力戒空谈,务求实效;(5)发扬理论联系实际学风,务实情、办实事、求实效,使先进性教育活动成效落实到实际工作中;(6)党组成员带头、领导干部带头,为先进性教育活动的推进发挥示范表率作? On March 20, the Education Department of the autonomous region held the first phase summary of advanced education activities and the second phase mobilization meeting. Cai Guoying, secretary of the Education Commission of the autonomous region and director of the Department of Education, made a summary of the work on the stage of learning and mobilization of the advanced nature education activities and put forward specific opinions on the work arrangements during the analysis and appraisal stage. Since January 19, the Education Department’s progressive education campaign has strictly followed the arrangements made by the Party committees of the Central Government and the autonomous regions and in line with the actual conditions of education reform and development in our region and the work of the Department of Education. Really learn, learn, really make time. The progressive education campaign has achieved initial success. The first is that it unifies its thinking and strengthens its ideals and convictions. The second is the specific requirements for maintaining the advanced nature of Party members in the new era, and the direction for its efforts. The third is the establishment of a System, provided a guarantee; four is to enhance the sense of responsibility and promote the work; five is to strengthen the sense of service and promote the change of style. The main practices and experiences are as follows: (1) The party and government departments in the government place great emphasis on recognizing and strengthening leadership to provide a strong guarantee for the healthy advancement of advanced education; (2) Establishing an effective management system and working mechanism for advanced education (3) Meticulously organize, create an atmosphere and innovate content to lay a solid foundation for the progressiveness of education; (4) Innovate the carrier in the light of reality in order to achieve effective results; ( 5) carry forward the theory and practice style of study, pragmatic situation, do practical work, seek actual effect, so that the effectiveness of advanced education activities into practical work; (6) Party members take the lead, leading cadres take the lead in promoting the advanced nature of educational activities to play a model Make?
为了使全校团员青年树立社会主义荣辱观,形成良好的道德品质,经校团委研究决定,在全校范围内开展树立社会主义荣辱观教育活动,具体方案如下:  一、活动时间:2006年3月——2006年12月  二、实施过程:活动分为三个阶段  第一阶段:部署阶段  1.成立组织机构。研究制定学习教育活动规划、方案。  2.召开团支部书记、团员会议,安排部署活动内容  第二阶段:宣传阶段   通过广播、橱窗、板报、手抄