
来源 :原子能科学技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doboho
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文章描述PWR失水事故工况下燃料包壳与水蒸汽的氧化反应行为。国产Zr-4包壳管在900-1500℃流动水蒸汽中的等温反应速率在1000℃以上遵循抛物线规律,ZrO_2层、α-Zr(O)层和ZrO_2+α-Zr(O)层的成长在此温度以上也遵循抛物线规律,其速率常数分别为:K,(O_2)=4.98 ×10~5exp(-20907/T),mg~2·cm~4·s~(-1);K,(ZrO_2)=0.0104exp(-17592/T),cm~2·s~(-1);K,(α-Zr(O))=0.6407exp(-23207/T),cm~2·s~(-1);K,(ξ)=0.3025exp(-20194/T),cm~2·s~(-1)。高温水中形成的氧化膜使1100℃以下的锆合金与水蒸汽的反应速率降低,不同表面处理和热处理对其影响极小。Zr-2和Zr-4在高温水中的氧化速率无明显差异,Zr-2.5Nb抗高温水蒸汽的氧化能力优于Zr-2和Zr-4。Zr-4合金在高温水蒸汽中的氧化增重超过35mg·cm~(-2)时,氧化膜易出现剥落和破裂。 The paper describes the oxidation reaction behavior of fuel cladding and steam under the PWR water loss accident condition. The isothermal reaction rate of homemade Zr-4 cladding tube at 900-1500 ℃ in flowing steam above 1000 ℃ follows the parabolic law and the growth of ZrO_2, α-Zr (O) and ZrO_2 + α-Zr (O) Above this temperature, the parabolic law is followed, and the rate constants are K, (O 2) = 4.98 × 10 ~ 5exp (-20907 / T) and mg ~ 2 · cm ~ 4 · s -1, (ZrO 2) = 0.0104exp (-17592 / T), cm -2 s -1; K, α-Zr (O) = 0.6407exp (-23207 / T) (-1); K, (ξ) = 0.3025exp (-20194 / T), cm ~ 2 · s ~ (-1). The oxide film formed in high temperature water reduces the reaction rate of zirconium alloy and water vapor below 1100 ℃, and has little effect on the surface treatment and heat treatment. The oxidation rates of Zr-2 and Zr-4 in high-temperature water were not significantly different. The oxidation resistance of Zr-2.5Nb to high-temperature water vapor was better than that of Zr-2 and Zr-4. Zr-4 alloy in high temperature steam oxidation weight gain of more than 35mg · cm -2, the oxide film prone to spalling and cracking.
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