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方位估计和信号恢复分别是水下目标定位、跟踪和目标识别的前提。提出了一种阵列频域单快拍压缩感知的水下目标方位估计和信号恢复方法。首先将阵列接收数据变换到频域,取频域单快拍数据作为压缩感知的测量值,然后根据频域快拍对应的频率、搜索方位和阵列流形构造过完备的阵列流形矩阵作为压缩感知的感知矩阵,最后通过基追踪算法估计搜索方位上目标信号和功率,实现DOA估计与信号恢复。宽带仿真实验数据验证结果表明,同等条件下完成同样的目标方位分辨,提出的方法比最小方差无失真响应方法要求的阵元数和快拍数较少,要求的信噪比更低,恢复的目标信号更加准确,波形相关系数达到89%以上。海上实验数据处理结果表明,目标检测能力优于最小方差无失真响应方法,证明该方法可以适用于实际声呐系统。 Azimuth estimation and signal restoration are the prerequisites of underwater target location, tracking and target recognition respectively. An underwater target azimuth estimation and signal restoration method based on array single-snapshot compression in frequency domain is proposed. Firstly, the received data of the array is transformed into the frequency domain, and the single snapshot data of the frequency domain is taken as the measured value of the compressed sensing. Then, a perfect array manifold matrix is ​​constructed according to the frequency corresponding to the snapshot in the frequency domain, the search orientation and the array manifold Perceptual perceptual matrix. Finally, the DOA estimation and signal recovery are achieved by using the basis pursuit algorithm to estimate the target signal and power in the search azimuth. The simulation results of broadband simulations show that the proposed method achieves the same target resolution under the same conditions. Compared with the minimum variance distortion-free method, the proposed method requires fewer elements and snapshots, requires less signal to noise ratio, The target signal is more accurate, the correlation coefficient of the waveform reaches above 89%. The results of the experimental data at sea show that the target detection ability is better than the minimum variance distortion-free response method, which proves that the method can be applied to the actual sonar system.
目的:观察地西他滨联合亚砷酸注射液、预激方案化疗,桥接亲缘外周血干细胞微移植治疗中高危骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndromes,MDS)的近期疗效及不良反应,为进一
介绍SUPCON JX-300X DCS在莱钢轧钢厂水处理系统中的应用,阐述了系统软、硬件的构成和功能。 This paper introduces the application of SUPCON JX-300X DCS in the water
昨天,爸爸妈妈带着我去饭店吃饭,等菜时来了个小妹妹。小妹妹穿着一件粉红色的裙子,扎了个“冲天炮”,脸蛋粉嘟嘟的,两只眼睛又大又圆,就像两颗水灵灵的大葡萄,樱桃小嘴又红又亮。  这时,爸爸走过来,说:“给叔叔抱抱?”  “不要!”小妹妹回答。  我又说:“给姐姐牵着?”  “不要!”小妹妹撅着小嘴。反正你问她啥,她都说不要。真是个“小不要”!  她不光是个“小不要”,还是个小萌宝。趁着没上菜,我拉着
“唉,怎么我一玩手机就会被抓啊!”我苦恼着,越想越不爽。今天玩手机被老妈发现,吓了个半死,竟然把手机扔出了一米远,幸好手机跌落在了床上。脸上火辣辣的感觉过了好久都没消去,心里真是又窘又气。  为什么我的书桌会背对房门呢?我坐在书桌前,背对着门,根本就看不到门外的动静。老妈走路轻如猫,多次“飘”到我的身后,吓得我魂都飞了。最气的是不允许我锁门,偷玩手机被发现了的危险系数高达百分之两百!在老妈的再次警
打开书卷,品一壶香茗,翻开一页页书法作品,在浓浓的墨香中,映入眼帘的是一句话“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”。良久,耳畔想起那叮咛声,声声温馨……  时间的齿轮拨转到两年前,妈妈带我来到书法兴趣班。走进教室,淡淡的墨香在鼻间萦绕。书法老师见我来了,为我示范了起来。一个个楷体字跃然于纸上,横平竖直皆风骨,撇捺飞扬是血脉。到我了,急不可耐的我手握毛笔在宣纸上乱画,却毫无半丝神韵。  突然,我的手被温暖的掌心
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