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Growing up.It sounds terrifying.Aging becomesjust the shattering of naiveté’s shell and loss ofchildishness.No more throwing food at yourfriend,no more weird conversations about asparagus attwo in the morning,no more running around in the rainand screaming,“you can’t catch me,”in a squeaky voice.The world,once seen as a large bruised peach and you asthe content ant,seems to suck all the vitality out of yoursoul like a vacuum cup.Life seems to cruelly whisper,“Igot you.”But growing up is part of the life cycle.We can call itruthless,devouring,and cursed but in the end,there’s no Growing up.It sounds terrifying.Aging becomingjust the shattering of naiveté’s shell and loss ofchildishness.No more throwing food at yourfriend,no more weird conversations about asparagus attwo in the morning,no more running around in the rainand screaming,“you can’ t catch me,”in a squeaky voice.The world,once seen as a large bruised peach and you asthe content ant,seems to suck all the vitality out of yoursoul like a vacuum cup.Life seems to cruelly whisper,“Igot You.”But growing up is part of the life cycle.We can call itruthless,devouring,and cursed but in the end,there’s no
本书的主人公是女生 Melissa,书中从她如何申请上美国大学讲起,到她正式进入大学本科,其中着重记述了她在大学里生活的点点滴滴,从如何选课、交友、约会、参加舞会,到熬夜备
He first noticed the new man in theneighborhood on a Tuesday evening,onhis way home from the station.The manwas tall and thin,with a look about him that toldRa
“God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.”(Jewish Proverb) Mother’s Day is the one day when we take timeexpress our love and gratitude for
注意到那小男孩之前,他一直躺在病床上发呆。  大夫一再告诉他这只是一个良性肿瘤的切除手术,没有太大的危险,也不会影响他的将来,可是,大夫并不知道他在担忧些什么。为了准备这次手术,他打了两个月的工,又向一位远房亲戚借了一笔钱,他不想让远在农村,为了供他上大学已经受尽委屈的父亲再操心,同时,他不愿让班里的同学知道,他不想欠太多的人情。此刻,他躺在床上,等待着几小时后就要进行的手术,想着以后为了还钱而必