职工群众是企业的主人,全心全意依靠广大职工是企业战胜困难、增强效益、不断发展的一大法宝。近年来,在服装行业市场仍然比较疲软的情况下,我们坚持依靠职工群众,群策群力,团结奋斗,迎难而上,提高了企业在市场经济中的竞争能力。产值、销售、利润连年上升,被评为省服装行业利税五十强、全国服装行业利税百强企业。 实践使我们深刻地感悟到:坚持依靠群众,齐心协力办企业是企业战胜困难、增强效益、不断发展的关健所在。
The masses of workers and staff are the masters of the enterprise. Relying on the masses of workers wholeheartedly is a magic weapon for companies to overcome difficulties, enhance efficiency, and continuously develop. In recent years, with the apparel industry still relatively weak, we insist on relying on the employees to work together in a concerted effort to overcome difficulties and increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the market economy. The output value, sales, and profits have been rising year after year. It has been awarded as one of the top 50 companies in the garment industry in the province and the top 100 companies in the national apparel industry. The practice has deeply impressed us that insisting on relying on the masses and making concerted efforts to run the company is the key to the company’s success in overcoming difficulties, enhancing efficiency, and continuously developing.