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美、德、日等主要发达工业国家目前仍是经济实力最强的国家.但是,进入90年代以来,全球经济发展趋势呈现出一个鲜明对比:以美、德、日为代表的主要发达工业国家的经济增长持续减缓,甚至衰退,而以亚洲、拉美、东欧国家为主的发展中国家和地区却以前所未有的速度突飞猛进.这一趋势的发展,使许多经济学家坚信,未来25年,全球经济格局可能出现150年来最剧烈的重组.而在这种趋势中,亚太地区又是经济发展最有活力、增长最快的地区.近年来,亚太地区政治相对稳定,经济持续高速发展,贸易增长迅速,投资增势旺盛,高科技日新月异,区域合作加强,全面发展的势头一直走在世界前列,尤其是中国所处的东亚.如果说,以美国为首的北大西洋区域在20世纪初取代了过去500年由欧洲独领风骚的世界经济重心,标志世界经济重心移位的话,那么,当我们要跨入21世纪的时候,全球经济新秩序的重心必然是在亚太地区.当今,经济已成为国际关系中首要因素, The major developed industrial countries such as the US, Germany, and Japan are still the countries with the strongest economic strength. However, since the 1990s, the global economic development trend has shown a sharp contrast: the major developed industrial countries represented by the United States, Germany, and Japan. The economic growth has continued to slow or even decline, while developing countries and regions, mainly in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, have been making rapid advances at an unprecedented rate. This trend has led many economists to believe that the next 25 years will be global. The economic structure may have the most dramatic restructuring in 150 years. In this trend, the Asia-Pacific region is the region with the most dynamic and fastest-growing economic development. In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region has enjoyed relatively stable politics, sustained high-speed economic development, and trade growth. Rapidly, investment growth has flourished, high-tech advances rapidly, regional cooperation has strengthened, and the momentum for all-round development has been at the forefront of the world, especially in East Asia where China is located. If we say that the North Atlantic region, led by the United States, replaced the past in the early 20th century. When the world’s economic center was dominated by Europe’s dominant position in 500 years and it marked the shift of the world’s economic center of gravity, then when we are to enter the 21st century, The focus of the new global economic order is bound to be in the Asia Pacific region. Today, the economy has become the primary factor in international relations.
让出口帮助高保护下的产业起飞 出口不仅是机电工业能力过剩后的自然扩张,更可作为机电工业初建的起点。在发展中国家工业化初期,往往为免受进口的冲击而设置高贸易壁垒,为
一、我国机电产品出口的现状及面临的形势 1985年10月国务院作出扩大机电产品出口的决定以来,我国机电产品出口结束了过去长期徘徊局面,取得了突破性进展。 1994年我国机电
在美国股票交易所上市的Medicsight公司是Medicsight PLC和Medicexchange.com的母公司。Medicsight作为一家领先的计算机辅助检测(CAD)技术和软件开发商,多年来服务于世界许