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随着中外合作办学成为我国高等职业教育国际化的重要实践形式,西方文化思潮和价值观念开始冲击着中外合作办学项目的高职学生。中外合作办学背景下高职学生主流意识形态教育面临中方管理控制权的掌控力变弱、西方意识形态的隐形渗透和校园文化建设中“中华传统文化”缺失三方面的问题,加强和改进中外合作办学背景下高职学生主流意识形态教育具有强烈的紧迫性和必要性。本文从强化中外合作办学过程中方管理控制权;融入中华民族传统文化,充分利用外籍教师的优势,打造多元文化特色;坚持马列主义主流意识形态教育的主导地位与承认西方多元文化意识形态并存;创新意识形态教育工作的理念和方法四个方面来探讨加强中外合作办学高职学生主流意识形态教育的对策。 As Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools become an important practical form of internationalization of higher vocational education in our country, western cultural thoughts and values ​​have started to impact higher vocational students in Sino-foreign cooperative education programs. Under the background of Sino-foreign cooperative education, the mainstream ideological education of higher vocational students is weakened and the control power of Chinese management is weakened, the invisible infiltration of western ideology and the lack of “Chinese traditional culture” in the construction of campus culture are strengthened and improved Under the background of Sino-foreign cooperative education, the mainstream ideological education of higher vocational students has a strong urgency and necessity. This article from the Chinese-foreign cooperation in strengthening the process of management of the management of control; into the traditional Chinese culture, make full use of the advantages of foreign teachers to create multicultural characteristics; adhere to the dominant position of Marxism-Leninism mainstream ideological education and recognize the coexistence of Western multiculturalism; innovation Ideological education and the concept of methods and methods of four aspects to explore the strengthening of Sino-foreign cooperative education students ideological education in the mainstream of the countermeasures.
It is predicted that China’s economy will maintain a relatively high growth rate in 2003. Key aspects for economic development have been identified as the fol
俄语中的语气词бы在俄语词类中虽然属于虚词,但是它可以帮助构成许多口语或书面语中常用的各种组合,本篇主要介绍其构成假定式以及复合语气词时在句子中所起的作用。 Alth