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我国棉花生产,过去在帝国主义与官僚资本的层层统制与剥削下,一直得不到发展。棉纺工业的原料,从来都依赖进口大量外棉来维持。输入的棉花,常占进口贸易货值的第一位或第二位。全国解放以后,一九五○年人民政府大力从事棉花增产,一年中即增产了百分之五十八点九,总产量超过了战前一九三三年至一九三七年五年平均产景的百分之十一,已大体能满足全国现有开工纱锭所需原料,基本上扭转了几十年来大量依赖外棉的形势。这是值得我们非常兴奋的。 The cotton production in our country has not been developing in the past under the hierarchical control and exploitation of imperialism and bureaucratic capital. The raw materials for the cotton spinning industry have always relied on the import of a large amount of foreign cotton to maintain it. Imported cotton often accounts for the first or second place of import value. After the liberation of the country, the people’s government in 1950 vigorously increased its cotton output by 59.9% in one year and its total output surpassed the pre-war period of 1933-1937 An average of 11% of the total production has largely met the raw materials needed for starting a spindle in the country and basically reversed the situation of relying heavily on foreign cotton for several decades. This is something that delights us to be very excited.
In this work,we report the reorientation of magnetization by spin-orbit torque(SOT)in YIG/Pt bilayers.The SOT is investigated by measuring the spin Hall magneto
《江南秀色》陈兆刚摄The beauty of Jiangnan by Chen Zhaogang安徽黟县宏村南湖的风景照片,已是屡见不鲜了,但这幅作品却“秀”出了新意: The beauty of Jiangnan by Chen