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利用形态学和连续组织切片技术,对出膜后1~30d的高体革(鱼刺)消化系统胚后发育的组织形态学进行了系统观察和研究。结果表明,培养水温在26.6~29.7℃条件下,高体革(鱼刺)初孵仔鱼消化管为一柱形盲管,管腔狭窄,口、肛门尚未与外界接通。出膜30h仔鱼,口开始张开,消化管相通。出膜2d仔鱼肠壁出现皱褶,肠瓣将肠道分为前肠和后肠,在显微镜下可见消化管蠕动。出膜3d仔鱼可以开口摄食,消化管上皮分化,食管中出现黏液细胞,肝脏和胰脏出现,鱼体由内源性营养转入混合营养阶段。混合营养阶段仔鱼消化道明显分为口咽腔、食道、胃、前肠、直肠等,消化腺肝脏和胰脏也已形成,各部分已经有初步结构和一定的消化吸收能力。随着仔鱼的发育,仔鱼消化系统各器官也趋于完善。出膜21d稚鱼的胃壁出现胃腺,标志着稚鱼期开始。 Morphological and sequential histological sections were used to systematically observe and study the post-embryonic development of the high-leather (fish-barbed) digestive system after 1 to 30 days. The results showed that the digestive tube of newly hatched larvae of high-body leather (Ardisia sericata) was a cylindrical blind tube with a lumen narrowing and the mouth and anus had not been connected with the outside under the condition of culture water temperature ranging from 26.6 to 29.7 ℃. 30h larvae out of the mouth, mouth began to open, similar to digestive tract. 2d larvae appeared pleated intestinal wall, the intestinal flap will be divided into the foregut and hindgut, under the microscope visible digestive tract peristalsis. 3d larvae can open mouth feeding, digestive epithelial differentiation, esophageal mucus cells appear, the liver and pancreas appear, the fish from endogenous nutrition into the mixed nutrition stage. Digestive tract of larvae in mixed nutrition stage is obviously divided into oropharyngeal cavity, esophagus, stomach, foregut, rectum, etc. The digestive gland liver and pancreas have also been formed. Each part has preliminary structure and certain digestion and absorption abilities. With the development of larvae, larval digestive system organs tend to be perfect. The appearance of gastric glands on the stomach walls of juveniles on day 21d marks the beginning of the juvenile phase.
5养成技术5.1池塘养殖三疣梭子蟹养殖池塘可使用对虾养殖池。要求池塘面积在0.2~2 hm~2,水深1.5 m以上;水源充足,水质良好,排灌方便;底质为沙泥底,保水性好。在池塘底部开挖宽
采用正交设计方法,对影响铜鱼(Coreius heterodon(Bleeker))ISSR-PCR扩增结果的5个因素,如Mg2+、dNTP、引物、TaqDNA聚合酶和模板DNA的浓度,在4个水平上进行了比较优化,建立