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我们于1987年9月成立了飞乐股份有限公司。这是一家多元混合所有制形式的股份制企业。经中国人民银行上海市分行批准,公司向社会公开发行股票,并被批准股票上市。我们试行股份制的做法是: 一、明确产权关系股权结构。公司资产由国家股、单位股、个人股三种股份组成。国家股,指全民企业的国家基金(含重估固定资产和国拨流动资金)折成的股份,其产权属国家所有。单位股,指集体企业的资金折成的股份,以及其他企事业单位认购的股份,其产权前者属本企业集体所有,后者属认购单位所有。个人股,指本企业职工和社会个人认购的股份, We established Feile Co., Ltd. in September 1987. This is a joint-stock enterprise in the form of a multiplex mixed ownership system. Approved by the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch, the company publicly issued shares to the public and was approved for listing. Our practice of trial-based joint-stock system is as follows: 1. The ownership structure of property rights is clearly defined. The company’s assets consist of three types of shares: state shares, unit shares, and individual shares. State stocks refer to the shares of state-owned funds (including revaluation of fixed assets and state-issued liquidity funds) of all-people enterprises. Their ownership is owned by the state. Unit shares refer to the shares converted from the funds of a collective enterprise, as well as the shares subscribed for by other enterprises and institutions. The former is owned collectively by the enterprise and the latter belongs to the purchasing unit. Individual shares refer to the shares subscribed by employees of this company and individuals.
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摘要:混凝土是目前用量最大的一种建筑材料,广泛应用于工业与民用建筑、农林与城市建设、水利与海港工程。然而,许多混凝土结构在建设与使用过程中出现了不同程度、不同形式的裂缝。这不仅影响建筑物的外观,更危及建筑物的正常使用和结构的耐久性。因此,裂缝问题倍受人们关注。  关键词:结构性裂缝 温度裂缝 收缩裂缝     前言:    近年来,随着预拌混凝土的大力推广应用以及结构形式日趋大型化、复杂化,使得这
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衔一片片绿,飞在城市每一个角落的上空。洒下一滴滴纯净的露珠,刹那间,映亮了与早晨一起醒来的眼睛。 生命的风帆,在风里倏然升起。矫健的翅膀划过湛蓝的天空,响亮的鸽哨鸣
一天,上帝送给我两个盒子,一只黑色的盒子和一只金色的盒子。他对我说:“把你所有的快乐装到黄色的盒子里,把你所有的悲伤装到黑色的盒子里。” One day, God gave me two b
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