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春天的脚步悄无声息地渐行渐远,夏日奔放着炽热的激情而至,火辣辣的夏风,轻扬绿柳的枝条,荡起水波的涟漪,树木发了疯似的生长,枝头早已转成了墨绿,乡间田野,飘荡花的馨香,舞动夏日的风情。夏来了,春柳垂地,槐花飘香,绿之盎然,万象更新。夏来了,太阳愈加勤劳,东升西落,照了整整一个白天。劳动者们耕耘、创造、拼搏、奋斗。他们用血汗构筑成祖国坚实的钢筋铁骨,竖起了一座座生命不息、战斗不止的历史丰碑。在这丰碑上,镂刻着奉献和执着,镂刻着粗犷和豪放,镂刻着乐观和自信。天地间,永远都有他们英姿飒爽的身影。 The pace of the spring quietly lurking away, summer passionate passionate passionate, hot summer wind, green branches of light green willow, waves rippling, trees made a crazy growth, the branches have long been Turned into dark green, country fields, the fragrance of flowers, dancing summer style. Summer, the spring willow hanging, Sophora japonica fragrance, green, Vientiane update. Summer came, the sun more hard-working, Dongshengxilun, according to a whole daytime. Workers work hard, create, hard work, struggle. They use blood and sweat to build the solid steel bar of the motherland, erected a seat of life, fighting more than a historic monument. In this monument, engraved with dedication and dedication, carved rough and bold, engraved with optimism and confidence. Between heaven and earth, always have their valiant figure.
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