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爱因斯坦是继牛顿之后最伟大的物理学家。1879年3月14日,他出生于德国乌尔姆的一个犹太家庭。少年时代,他并没有显示出任何天才的征兆。青年时期,他在苏黎世高等工业学院接受高等教育,日夜耽读理论物理经典。毕业后,即面临择业困难,甚至连中学教师也当不上。由于格罗斯曼先生的推荐,他去了伯尔尼专利局。在专利局任职期间,爱因斯坦在狭义相对论、光子理论和布朗运动三方面的研究都取得了惊人的成就。从此,他全身心地投入物理学研究。1909年他被苏黎世大学任命为教授。1911年转到布拉格的日耳曼大学。1912年又回到苏黎土高等工业学院任教授。义相对论的丹凤。1913年的工十耸阎,他撞压柏抑犬学札普喜文皇氨汹学院院上。期阎庄干声兽日隆,曾应邀到欧美亚三训讲字漫游。1922迁11用10日,瑞典科学院颁予他诺田尔翎理学奖,颁奖词枷赞真光电定律及理论物理学的贡献。爱因斯坦一生对科学的主要贡献是狭义相对论、光子理论、广义相对论、宇宙论和统一场。爱因斯坦不仅是伟大的科学家,还是一个充满哲学思辩的思想家。他崇尚思想自由,视曾鲁士式的军营式教育,热爱和平,具有强烈的社会责任感。他曾经历过两次世界大战,非常厌恶战争。为了世界和平,他奔走呼吁,做出过非常重要的贡献。爱因斯坦是他那个时代最伟大的科学家,家喻户晓,但在日常生活中他却是和蔼可亲的。他给许多人写过回信,包括一些他并不认识的孩子,回答人们各种各样的问题,即风趣,又饱含哲思。我们从他的“知简缀编”中;摘录了几封他给孩子们的信,这些信一定会大大地开阔你的眼界,或给你思考,或给你快乐! Einstein was the greatest physicist after Newton. On March 14, 1879, he was born into a Jewish family in Ulm, Germany. In childhood, he did not show any signs of genius. In his youth, he received higher education at the Zurich Institute of Technology and read theoretical and physical classics day and night. After graduating, they are faced with difficulties in choosing a job, and even secondary school teachers cannot be considered. Thanks to Mr. Grossman’s recommendation, he went to the Berne Patent Office. During his tenure at the Patent Office, Einstein’s research on the three aspects of special theory of relativity, photon theory and Brownian movement has made amazing achievements. Since then, he has devoted his dedication to physics research. In 1909 he was appointed professor at the University of Zurich. In 1911, he moved to the German University of Prague. In 1912, he returned to Suzhou University of Science and Technology as a professor. Relativity of Dan Feng. In 1913, the tenth of the work began to collapse. He crushed the school of Zhaxi Emperor of the Imperial Academy of Science and Technology. During the period of Yanzhuang dry sound animal day long, had been invited to Europe and Asia Yam training words roaming. On 19th, 1922, on the 10th, the Swedish Academy of Sciences conferred the Noordridge Prize for Science, and presented the prizes to praise the contributions of the True Photonics Law and theoretical physics. Einstein’s main contributions to science during his life were special theory of relativity, photon theory, general relativity, cosmology, and unified field. Einstein is not only a great scientist, but also a thinker full of philosophical debate. He advocates freedom of thought, regards Zionist military-style education, loves peace, and has a strong sense of social responsibility. He had experienced two world wars and he hated the war. For world peace, he rushed to appeal and made very important contributions. Einstein was the greatest scientist of his time, known to every family, but he was amiable in everyday life. He wrote back to many people, including some children he does not know, to answer people’s various questions, namely, humor, and full of philosophical thinking. We read from his “Zhi Jian Bian” and extracted several of his letters to the children. These letters will greatly broaden your horizons, or give you thinking, or give you happiness!
目的 探讨基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)在糖尿病大鼠肾组织中的表达及其在缬沙坦肾脏保护中的意义.方法采用腹腔注射STZ制备糖尿病大鼠模型,随机分为对照组、糖尿病组及缬沙坦组,分别于4、8周处死.应用免疫组化及酶谱分析方法(zymography)观察各组肾组织MMP-9的蛋白表达及其活性水平,并分析MMP-9与细胞外基质Ⅳ型胶原、层粘连蛋白(LN)的相关性.结果MMP-9在正常对照组肾小球、肾小管