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此次进军整体橱柜行业,圣象或在秉承原有品质基因的基础上,通过整合上下游优势资源,围绕产品创新设计和专业服务发力,为集团家居战略增添新的动力。2月11日,一则来自家居建材业的重磅消息震惊了业界。当日,号称国内家居业流通第一品牌的红星美凯龙宣布以超过20亿元现金收购位居行业第三的吉盛伟邦,成为国内家居业史上迄今最大的一次业内整合。对于此次并购,很多业内观察家认为,这是市场经济发展的必然结果,强者恒强,大者更大。兼并整合、强强联手将成为未来行业的发展趋势。 The progress into the overall cabinet industry, the Holy Elephant or adhering to the original quality of the gene base, through the integration of upstream and downstream advantages of resources around the product innovation design and professional services force, the group home strategy add new impetus. February 11, a heavy news from the home building materials industry shocked the industry. On the very day, Red Star Macquarie, which is known as the No.1 domestic circulation brand in home furnishing, announced that it had become the largest industry consolidation in home furnishing industry by far with the acquisition of JSWB, which ranks the third in the industry with more than 2 billion yuan in cash. For this acquisition, many industry observers believe that this is the inevitable result of the development of the market economy. The strong are stronger and the larger are the larger. Merger and integration, powerful combination will become the future development trend of the industry.
Due to the upturn of alumina price, Yimei Group is considering to increase its output. The company started to cut alumina output last November due to price iss
According to Dongguan Walsin Lihwa Cables & Wire Ltd, its 8mm copper rod inventory in March has dropped by 300 tons than in Febru- According to Dongguan Walsin