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在扮完早稻、早熟中稻、或中稻之后,再插上一季红藷,农民叫田红藷;插藷时,正是立秋前后,所以又叫秋红藷。种秋红藷可以多增产一季粮食,产量也很高。根据衡阳专署农林水利局的调查总结,55年道县马家岭乡703.15亩秋红藷,每亩高的达3,000—4,000斤;最高的如蒋鼎中每亩平均达4,500斤,一般的有2—3千斤,最低的也有1,000至1,500斤。秋红藷除了收获藷块外,每亩又可收获千把斤藤子,可作很好的饲料。 其次,是红藷留种的好方法:长沙、浏阳、平江、湘阴一带,多年都采用秋红藷留种。农民反映:秋红藷做种比早红藷耐贮藏,发芽快,苗子粗壮,产量较高。55年湘阴新塘一社早藷一亩地雨万斤及各地的早藷高额丰产,都是选用秋红藷做的种。 After playing the early rice, early maturing rice, or medium rice, then plug in the sweet potato season, farmers called Tian sweet potato; plug potato, it is before and after the establishment of autumn, so called autumn sweet potato. A variety of autumn sweet potato can increase season grain, production is also high. According to a survey conducted by Hengyang Agency Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bureau, 703.15 mu of autumn sweet potato in Majialing Township in 55 years was up to 3,000-4,000 jin per acre; the highest such as Jiang Dingzhong averaged 4,500 jin per mu, , The lowest also have 1,000 to 1,500 pounds. Autumn sweet potato in addition to harvest tubers, but also harvest thousands of pounds per acre grapes Fujiko, can be used as a good feed. Second, the sweet potato is a good way to stay: Changsha, Liuyang, Pingjiang, Xiangyin area, for many years to use autumn sweet potato to stay species. Farmers said: autumn sweet potato to do than the early sweet potato storage, germination, seedling robust, high yield. 55 years Xiangyin Xintang a club early potato acre of rain kilograms and around the high yield of early sweet potato are made of autumn sweet potato species.