The Effects of Al,Cr on the Oxidation Behavior of a V-4Ti Alloy

来源 :Plasma Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq345071009
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Oxidation experiment was performed in air at elevated temperature for three kinds of vanadium alloys. The features of the oxides and the role of the alloying elements were analyzed. All specimens exhibited a parabolic kinetic behavior of weight gain with the exposure time. The alloys can’t be used in air at the temperature over 700℃, below which, V4Ti3Al showed a much lower oxidation rate than the V4Cr4Ti alloy. It was found that Al in the alloy was segregated to the specimen surface in the process, and formed into Al2O3 on the surface, hence decreasing the formation of V2O5. The oxides on the surface were nucleated in a small number density and grew to a large size, giving more protection to the matrix alloy. The features of the oxides and the role of the alloying elements were analyzed. All features verses a parabolic kinetic behavior of weight gain with the exposure time. The alloys can ’ t was used in air at the temperature over 700 ℃, below which, V4Ti3Al showed a much lower oxidation rate than the V4Cr4Ti alloy. It was found that Al in the alloy was segregated to the specimen surface in the process, and formed into Al2O3 on the surface, consequently decreasing the formation of V2O5. The oxides on the surface were nucleated in a small number density and grew to a large size, giving more protection to the matrix alloy.
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