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十年动乱,使戏曲事业遭到了巨大的摧残。当前最为严重的问题是戏曲艺术后继乏人。老演员年老体弱,相继退出舞台;中年演员艺术上荒废了多年,需要个恢复和提高的过程;如何加速培养青年演员,更是我们面临的迫切任务。对于这样一个关系到戏曲事业继承和发展的大问题,有的地方领导重视了,迅速采取了措施,已初见成效;有的地方领导尚未重视,行动迟缓,那里青黄不接的现象还比较突出。同时,在一些戏曲团体中还存在着压制人才的情况,使有才华者冒不出来,即便冒出来也会被压下去;在招收戏曲学员的工作中,走后门等不正之风,使招生单位无法选拔合格的人才;至于戏曲教育方面的问题就更多了,困难更大了,等等。所有这些,都影响着戏曲人才的选拔、培养和使用,需要认业研究解决。俗话说:“十年树木,百年树人。”培养戏曲人才是戏曲事业的百年大计。如何搞好这一工作,需要认真总结经验。我们应当总结文革前十七年和当前的经验,也需要借鉴解放前戏曲科班、收徒拜师的经验,凡是对我们有益的东西,都应当吸收、继承,才能沿着正确的轨道前进。希望戏曲界的同行们、关心戏曲事业的同志和广大观众热烈参加讨论,以促进戏曲人才的迅速成长。 Ten years of turmoil, drama has been a huge devastation. The most serious problem at the moment is the lack of successor to opera art. The old actors are weak and old, and one after another quit the stage. The art of middle-aged actors has been abandoned for many years and needs a process of recovery and improvement. It is also an urgent task for us to speed up the training of young performers. For such a big issue that has a bearing on the inheritance and development of the drama industry, some local leaders have taken seriously and quick measures have achieved initial success. Some local leaders have not attached importance to this and their behaviors have been sluggish. In the meantime, there are still some cases of suppression of talented persons in some opera groups, which make the talented people run out of their own and will be suppressed even if they emerge. In the work of recruiting opera students, taking the back door and other unhealthy tendencies make the enrollment units Unable to select qualified personnel; as for drama education more problems, more difficulties, and so on. All of these affect the selection, cultivation and use of drama talent, which needs to be professionally studied and solved. As the saying goes: “Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees.” Cultivation of drama talent is a hundred years plan of opera. How to do a good job of this work, we need to seriously sum up experience. We should sum up the experience of the first seventeen years of the Cultural Revolution and our current experience. We also need to learn from the experiences of pre-liberation drama koban and apprentice. All things that are beneficial to us should be absorbed and inherited so that we can move along the right track. It is hoped that colleagues in the opera industry, comrades who care about the cause of opera, and audience members will participate in the discussion enthusiastically to promote the rapid growth of opera talent.
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