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本文研究的主要问题为中国西南片区上市公司高级管理人员持股比例与企业绩效间的关系。通过对二者之间关系的研究,有助于更好地了解我国西南地区上市公司整体发展趋势,该地区上市企业高管持股情况,综合所有参考因素,能够更好地确定一个适用于我国西南地区高管持股的合理比例范围,为西南地区的诸多上市公司的高管激励提供参考,进而间接地为西南地区的上市公司的发展给出合理性建议。另外,研究我国西南地区高管持股与企业绩效之间地关系的过程中还可以了解我国西南地区的上市公司高管持股的现状,能制定更符合本地区经济特点的政策法规可供参考。本文将选取2014年西南地区的上市公司的数据为样本用spss软件进行实证分析。 The main problem of this paper is the relationship between the shareholdings of senior executives and the performance of the listed companies in Southwest China. Through the study of the relationship between the two, it helps to better understand the overall development trend of listed companies in Southwest China, the shareholding of executives in the listed companies in the region and synthesize all the reference factors, so as to better identify a suitable application in our country The reasonable proportion range of the shareholding of senior executives in the Southwest provides reference for the executives incentive of many listed companies in Southwest China, and then provides reasonable suggestions for the development of the listed companies in Southwest China indirectly. In addition, the study of the relationship between executive shareholding and corporate performance in Southwest China can also understand the current situation of executives holding shares of listed companies in Southwest China, and can make reference to the policies and regulations that are more in line with the economic characteristics of the region. . In this paper, the data of listed companies in Southwest China in 2014 are selected as samples for empirical analysis with the SPSS software.
合成了两种小分子视黄基席夫碱盐并对其结构进行了表征。其合成路线如下 :1 合成维生素A1(样品Ⅰ ) ;2 合成视黄醛 (样品Ⅱ ) ;3 合成视黄基席夫碱 (样品Ⅲ、Ⅳ ) ;4 合成
本文根据税收人性化内涵的7条标准分析了我国同西方发达国家之间个人所得税存在的差异,提出了提 升我国个人所得税人性化水平的几点建议。
<正> 明代官吏考课制度是其国家政治机制的一个重要组成部分,贯穿了明代的整个历史进程。它内容丰富,形式多样,很有特点。然而史学界对其却很少论述,故本文拟就此问题略作探