抓住机遇 奋力发展——“5·28活动”采访记要

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在高高的紫林宾馆七楼上,“5·28活动”组委会办公室的十多名工作人员集中在一个小会议室中,在不断响起的电话铃声中,接待着来访人员以及从国内外、省内外传来的各种信息。办公室里的电脑屏幕上,不停息地闪出一串串长长的数据…… 记者在采访中了解到:开展“5·28活动”,是贵州省委、省政府的一项重要决定。“5·28活动”不是单纯的通航庆典活动,而是贵州省委。省政府实施开放带动战略,加快贵州经济发展,展示贵州整体风貌,促进各项工作更快发展的重大举措,是贵州经济社会发展进程中新的起点,意义重大…… 早在去年,省委、省政府的领导就对今年“5·28活动”作了精心策划。省委书记刘方仁同志在今年元旦的新年祝辞中指出:“1997年,是我省经济社会发展非常重要的一年,我们既面临着难得的发展机遇,又面临着新的挑战。为了实现富民兴黔的目标,在新的一年里,我们要抓住机遇……” 机遇在哪里?省长吴亦侠同志今年1月21日在贵州省八届人大五次会议上的《政府工作报告》中 On the seventh floor of the tall Purple Forest Hotel, a dozen staff members of the office of “5.28 Activities” committee are concentrated in a small conference room. In the ever-rising ring of telephone calls, they welcome the visitors as well as from the domestic Outside, inside and outside the province came a variety of information. On the computer screen in the office, non-stop flashing a long series of data ... In an interview, the reporter learned that carrying out the ’28 May ’activity is an important decision of Guizhou provincial party committee and government. “5.28 Activities” is not a mere navigational celebration, but the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee. The provincial government to implement the strategy of opening up and driving to speed up the economic development of Guizhou, display the overall style of Guizhou, promote the rapid development of all major initiatives is the new starting point in the process of economic and social development in Guizhou, a significant ... As early as last year, The leadership of the provincial government elaborated this year’s “May 28 event.” In his New Year’s greetings on New Year’s Day this year, Comrade Liu Fangren, party secretary, pointed out: “1997 was a very important year for economic and social development in our province, and we faced both rare opportunities for development and new challenges. In the new year, we should seize the opportunity ...... ”What are the opportunities? Comrade Wu Yixia, governor of the People’s Republic of China, held a speech in the" Report on the Work of the Government on January 21 this year at the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress of Guizhou Province
倍受瞩目的第五届中国国际电子商务大会专题分会——中国电子商务数据发布会将于4月在京召开。目前,该会议的预备会议于日前在中国大饭店举行。 第五届中国国际电子商务大会