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以广东龙川~怀集高速公路骨架防护工程为依托,探讨雨水在边坡上的运动规律。通过对人字形骨架内坡面薄层水流流速和边坡排水能力进行计算,对比分析不同尖角的人字形骨架的排水能力和工程量,得出如下结论:(1)土质草皮边坡汇水计算时,由于土体的渗透和草皮阻流的影响,入渗率λ的确定较复杂,可将(I-λ)项简化为ψqp,t,以简化计算;(2)在顺坡向间距和横向间距一定的情况下,人字形骨架的排水槽排水能力随尖角减小而增大,90°、75°、60°尖角人字形骨架排水能力变化量为9%~14%;(3)在顺坡向间距和横向间距一定的情况下,人字形骨架的工程量随骨架尖角的减小而增加,90°、75°、60°尖角人字形骨架工程量变化量为10%~25%;(4)在其他条件满足的情况下,人字形骨架尖角宜取较大值,人字形骨架尖角选取建议采用90°,在土质较好的边坡和半岩质边坡,可适当增大尖角。 Relying on Guangdong Longchuan ~ Huaiji Expressway Skeleton Protection Project, the law of rainwater movement on the slope is discussed. Based on the calculation of thin-layer flow velocity and slope drainage capacity on the slopes of herringbone skeleton, the drainage capacity and engineering quantity of herringbone skeletons with different sharp angles were compared and analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: (1) In calculation, the infiltration rate λ is more complicated due to soil infiltration and turf flow resistance. The (I-λ) term can be simplified to ψqp, t to simplify the calculation. (2) And the horizontal spacing is constant, the draining ability of the drainage channel of the herringbone skeleton increases with the decrease of the sharp angle, and the variation of drainage capacity of the herringbone skeleton at 90 °, 75 ° and 60 ° is 9% ~ 14%. 3) In the case of a certain distance between the slope and the horizontal, the construction amount of the herringbone skeleton increases with the decrease of the sharpness of the skeleton, and the change of the amount of herringbone skeleton construction at 90 °, 75 ° and 60 ° is 10 % ~ 25%; (4) When the other conditions are satisfied, the chevron skeleton sharp angle should take a larger value, the chevron skeleton sharp angle selection adopts 90 °, on the soil with better slope and semi-lithofacies Slope, may be appropriate to increase the sharp angle.
【正】 一 杜甫「自京赴奉先詠懐」在中國文學史上的意義 我们分析杜甫“自京赴奉先詠怀五百字”。 这首诗,在中国文学史上,意义太大了,是划时代的現实主义的傑作。詩寫的是