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六、坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,不断提高建设社会主义先进文化的能力 党要带领人民推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,必须大力发展社会主义文化,不断巩固全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础。要牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向和百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,创新内容、创新形式、创新手段,努力铸造中华文化的新辉煌,为激励人民奋勇前进提供强大的精神动力和智力支持。 Sixth, uphold the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology and constantly raise the capability of building an advanced socialist culture. To lead the people in promoting the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party must vigorously develop the socialist culture and constantly consolidate the efforts of the entire Party and the people in the country in uniting and striving Common thought foundation. We must firmly grasp the direction of the advanced culture, stick to the principle of serving the people, serving socialism, and letting all flowers flourish and have a hundred schools of thought contend. We should try our best to mold the Chinese culture by following the principle of being close to reality, living close to the masses, innovating content, innovating forms and innovating The new glory, in order to encourage people to advance courageously provide mental support and intelligence.
记得很小的时候,从南京到乡下一个叫龙潭的地方,短短三十几公里,坐火车都要停两个车站,一个是尧化门站,现在应该是南京东站,另一个是栖霞站,著名的栖霞古寺就在那个镇子上。尧化门是一个货车编组站,铁路到了这里就分出无数的岔道,在雨天的傍晚乘火车从这里缓缓驶过,看着蒙蒙细雨里的灯光如流动的波浪,会有一种恍然隔世的感觉。  栖霞站的站台外则种满了向日葵,正是一次在这里的等候,让我突然对梵高的绘画有了高涨的兴
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