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2004年9月19日晚,第十三届金鸡百花电影节上,郑振瑶凭借影片《美丽上海》中的出色表演摘得第24届中国电影金鸡奖最佳女主角奖。评委对郑振瑶的评价是:“郑振瑶在《美丽上海》中以成熟的表演功力塑造了母亲的形象,准确、细腻地揭示出人物的历史背景与丰富的内心世界。”上台领奖时,郑振瑶平静地说:“我没有想到。我第一次获奖是在80年代,那是我刚到电影界我自己称为是来打短工的时候。电影界厚爱我在《城南旧事》演的宋妈,我得了金鸡奖的最佳女配角奖,20多年过去了,今天电影界又一次厚爱我,把这个奖给了我,我真的很激动,真的非常感谢。电影界是一个非常可爱的大家庭,因为80年代的时候,我刚走过了十年不说演戏,连看戏资格都没有的岁月,我觉得一切都没有希望了,可能我永远都上不了台了,是电影界给了我机会,给了我勇气,使我在这一块领地里跟电影界的同行们一起奋斗,所以我要特别感谢电影界所有的关爱我的这些朋友、前辈、领导。” On the evening of September 19, 2004, at the 13th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, Zheng Zhenyao won the Best Actress Award for the 24th Chinese Golden Rooster Award for his outstanding performance in “Beautiful Shanghai”. The evaluation of Zhengyao Yao by the jury was: “Zheng Zhenyao shaped her mother’s image with her mature performing skill in” Beautiful Shanghai “, revealing the historical background and rich inner world accurately and exquisitely.” When Zhengzheng Yao came to power, Said: “I did not think the first time I won the award in the 1980s, it was when I first came to the movie industry I call it short-term work when the movie industry loved me in the” South of the South “played Song Ma, I won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress Award, more than 20 years later, and today the film industry once again love me and give this award to me, I am really excited, really thank the movie industry is a very cute Family, because in the 1980s, I just walked ten years did not say acting, even the theater qualifications are not years, I think there is no hope, maybe I will never be on stage, the film industry gave My chance gave me the courage to work in this area with the colleagues in the film industry. Therefore, I would like to thank all the friends, seniors and leaders who love me in the movie industry. ”
郑汴高速公路沥青面层出现拥包病害的内因及外因分析,并叙述内因是引起病害的主要因素,外因则起了推波助澜的作用。 The internal and external causes of congealed diseases
CFAR technique is widely used in radar targets detection fields. Traditional algorithm is cell averaging (CA), which can give a good detection performance in a