“无核白”葡萄是新疆的特产,也是我国出口的名贵水果之一。因它无核、皮薄、味美香甜,深受广大人民群众喜爱,在国际市场上享有很高的声誉。但是,目前在采收、运输、贮藏过程中,葡萄易掉粒、腐烂,不仅使葡萄损耗很大,而且也影响了葡萄的品质。为了解决掉粒问题,我们于1973—1975年与有关单位协作,在鄯善、吐鲁番、乌鲁木齐近郊,与贫下中农一道,用植物激素进行试验,对减少掉粒有一定效果,1976—1977年向生产推广使用,深受群众的欢迎。 一、植物激素能减少葡萄的掉粒
“Non-nuclear white” grape is a specialty of Xinjiang, China is also one of the export of valuable fruits. Because of its non-nuclear, thin, delicious sweet, loved by the masses, in the international market enjoy a high reputation. However, in the process of harvesting, transportation and storage, the grapes are easy to peel and decay, which not only causes the grapes to lose greatly, but also affects the quality of the grapes. In order to solve the problem of dropping pellets, we cooperated with the relevant units in 1973-1975 and experimented with plant hormones in the suburbs of Shanshan, Turpan and Urumqi with poor and poor middle peasants to reduce the outgrowth. From 1976 to 1977, Promote the use of production, welcomed by the masses. First, plant hormones can reduce grapes out of grain