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留学英国的几年,我有幸接触到当今新工艺美术运动的前锋——工作室玻璃,并在欧洲玻璃工艺各项指标均排第一的胡佛汉顿大学艺术设计学院玻璃系深造。 玻璃工作室运动于六十年代末期传入英国,扎根于伦敦皇家艺术学院,并在各地高校迅速传播开来。可以说这种切入集天时、地利、人和于一身,那时,几乎所有艺术领域的价值都被颠倒,传统工艺技能被人们所怀疑;艺术与工艺媒体之间的关系,功能,装饰与艺术的价值被人们抛弃于荒原……玻璃、陶艺、金工、漆艺、纤维等工作室运动的引入开始了一切创作活动领域内平等、有效的自我表达。 在早期,工作室玻璃就意味着传统的作坊制品,几乎所有玻璃都是通过吹制或与吹制相关的技术生产。随着玻璃制作技术发展的复杂多样,窑制和铸制技术已主导整个工作室运动。人们不断通过材料、技术和工艺作出某种可识别的个人标志极强的作品。玻璃在中国的出现也有相当长的一段时间了,至今,大连所生产的工艺玻璃仍能和国外先进水平一比高低。然 In the few years I had studied in the UK, I had the pleasure of being in touch with the glass of the studio of today’s new arts and crafts and the glass department of Hoover University’s School of Art and Design with the highest ranking of European glass crafts. The glass studio movement was introduced to the United Kingdom in the late 1960s and was rooted in the Royal College of Art in London and spread rapidly around colleges and universities. It can be said that this kind of cut-in is a combination of geography, geography, people, and people. At that time, the value of almost all art fields was reversed and traditional craftsmanship was questioned. The relationship, function, decoration and art of art and craft media The value of being abandoned by people in the wasteland ... The introduction of the studio movement of glass, pottery, metalwork, lacquer, fiber, etc. started the equal and effective self-expression in all creative activities. In the early days, studio glass meant traditional workshop products, and almost all of the glass was produced by blowing or blowing-related technology. With the complex and diverse development of glass making technology, kiln and foundry technology has dominated the entire studio movement. People constantly make some identifiable, highly personal creations through materials, techniques, and craftsmanship. The emergence of glass in China has also been quite a long time, so far, the production of glass in Dalian is still able to compete with the advanced level of foreign countries. Of course
稻麦秸秆屑袋栽香菇与木屑袋栽香菇的技术大同小异,现将其不同点分述如下,供同行参考。 (一)菌株和种型的选择 香菇属木腐菌,若用稻麦秸秆栽培,就应选育出能在稻麦秸秆上生
赤霉素对杏树生长及产量的影响王景安,梁晓华,赵春明(河北农业技术师范学院园艺系昌黎,066600)INFLUENCEOFGIBBERELLINONTNEGROWTHANDYIELDOFAPRICOTTREESWangJing’anLiangXiaoh... Effect of Gibberellin on the Growth and Yield of Apricot Tree WANG Jingan, LI
对玉环柚裂果机制进行了研究,探明了裂果与砧木、果形、生物学特性、结果量等有关,提出了相应的防治裂果措施,如用防裂素涂果顶、异花授粉、喷激素等. The mechanism of the
所谓《清明上河图》画的是清明时节的观点 ,是错误的。这个观点并不是历来就有的。它产生于明代的《清明上河图》造假活动之后