
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aixiaowen
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通过对侧多食跗线螨的田间发生规律和春季摘除茶蓬内幼嫩芽叶防治该螨的研究,明确了该螨越冬主要分布在茶树中下部及地面枯枝落叶的隐蔽处;春茶期间主要集中在茶树中下部的幼嫩芽叶上取食;食物条件差和拥挤是该螨扩散的主要原因;茶叶的采留量、茶蓬内幼嫩芽叶的多少是决定侧多食跗线螨发生量的重要因素之一。通过采摘防治试验和生产应用,证明在春季采除茶蓬内幼嫩芽叶,挑采第一轮春梢的早发芽和在春茶结束前强采一次对夹叶对控制侧多食跗线螨的虫口密度有显著作用。 Through the field contradiction and the removal of Tetranychus cinnabarinus in the field of young buds and leaves of young mites prevention and control of the mite research, it is clear that the mites overwinter mainly in the lower part of the tea tree and litter on the ground litter; spring tea During the period, it was mainly concentrated on the young shoots in the middle and lower part of the tea tree. The poor food and crowdedness were the main reasons for the spread of the mites. The storage capacity of tea, One of the important factors of the occurrence of thread mite. Picking prevention and control experiment and production application proved that in the spring removal of the young buds of the tea plantation, picked the first spring shoot early sprouting and strong in the spring before the end of a pair of leaves on the control side of the food line Mite insect population density has a significant role.
经3年调查研究,发现我县麦田发生一种新的麦叶蜂一浙江麦叶蜂Dolerus sp.1年发生1代,以预蛹越夏,蛹和部分预蛹越冬。越夏、越冬场所均在土下13cm左右处。成虫和幼虫有假死习
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