
来源 :英语沙龙(实战版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouchaowenit
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托业考试阅读的第三部分是Short Readings(短文阅读),它位于试卷的第七部分。考题的要求是:In Section Ⅶ of TOEIC, candidates are tested to demonstrate their reading comprehension. They are required to read twelve to fifteen passages followed by questions based on their readings. There are four possible answer choices for each question. Candidates must pick the best answer. Most of the passages to be read are quite short: some consist of only a few sentences while the longest The third part of the TOEIC reading is Short Readings, which is located in the seventh part of the paper. The exam requirements are: In Section VII of TOEIC, candidates are tested to demonstrate their reading comprehension. They are required to read twelve to fifteen passages followed by questions based on their readings. There are four possible answer choices for each question. Candidates must pick The best answer. Most of the passages to be read are quite short: some consist of only a few sentences while the longest
许多办公室实际上是社交生活的热闹场所,有自己完备的赠送礼物、安排聚会以及习俗和传统的模式。凑份子许多美国办公室有为新生儿降临、 Many offices are actually lively
The former monopolist of China’s foodstuff import and export sector expands and diversifies amid the global financial crisis The former monopolist of China’s
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美国工业    在美国工业中,制造业占了全国生产总额的3/4,每年为国家争取了4500 亿美元左右的收入。这个数目反映出美国制造业的价值,其中还不包括原料费、补给费及燃料费等费用。美国是世界上第一大生产国,其工厂每年所生产的货品价值,比世界第二大生产国苏联多出了将近500 亿美元。就工业基本金属钢铁来说,美国产量占世界1/5;汽车产量占世界1/4,肉类产量也占世界1/5,并且生产占世界上1/3 的
10月12日,大连市高新技术产业园区发布了未来五年的发展目标:力争使软件企业达到2000家,万人企业达到5家以上,千人企业达到50家以上,从业人员达到20万人,年销售收入突破700亿元。此前,深圳、济南、成都、西安等软件基地城市也都公布了自己的软件业发展目标。  本期特别策划将从产业经济的角度分析实现这些目标需要配置的资源——教育、就业、人才、收入、医疗等方面的问题,事实上,这些正是软件产业从业人
Friendships formed at a university can be some of the strongest relationships men and women ever make. College friendships, if they are strong, can transcend time
英语中“由于……”或“因为……”表达法有很多,主要分为连词、介词、形容词短语、非谓语动词四类。现将中学阶段常用的种种“因为、由于”列举如下: 一、连词(后加从句)
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