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第二次世界大战的战火平息后,昔日沦为殖民地半殖民地的国家相继获得了独立。自那时起,探讨涉及世界人口四分之三的发展中国家如何尽快得到长足发展的发展战略研究,以及作为其理论基础的发展经济学,便应运而兴。时至今日,它已成为学术界瞩目的一个重要领域。三十余年来,国外有关著作汗牛充栋,一股股发展思潮层出不穷,正是它们,在整整一代人的时间里驾驭和影响了第三世界各国的发展。在世界面临新技术革命浪潮汹涌冲击的今天,发展中国家面临 After the war in World War II subsided, the former colonial and semi-colonial countries successively gained independence. Since then, research on development strategies to explore how developing countries, three quarters of the world’s population, can make rapid progress as soon as possible, and development economics as its theoretical foundation, have come into being. Today, it has become an important area of ​​academic attention. In the past thirty years, there has been a tremendous amount of books and materials in foreign countries, and an endless stream of development ideas has taken shape. It is precisely these people who have managed and influenced the development of all countries in the Third World for a whole generation. Today, the world faces the turbulent impact of the tide of new technological revolution, facing the developing countries
A measurement system for packet over SONET which we have been developing is presented. The system consists ofPC-based hardware and POS line interface card up to
The India–Asia collision and continual plate convergence have created the Himalayan–Tibetan Orogen,which is the youngest and most spectacular continent–conti
A new model is derived to predict the peak ground acceleration(PGA) utilizing a hybrid method coupling artificial neural network(ANN) and simulated annealing(SA
This paper proposes a multicast protocol utilizing ondemand routing strategy for mobile packet radio network. It does not maintain permanent route tables with f