Density isomer of nuclear matter in an equivalent mass approach

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handsomeboywp
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The equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter is studied with an equivalent mass model.The equivalent mass of a nucleon has been expanded to order 4 in density.We first determine the first-order expansion coefficient in the quantum hadron dynamics,then calculate the coefficients of the second to fourth order for the given binding energy and incompressibility at the normal nuclear saturation density.It is found that there appears a density isomeric state if the incompressibility is smaller than a critical value.The model dependence of the conclusion has also been checked by varying the first-order coefficient. The equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter is studied with an equivalent mass model. The equivalent mass of a nucleon has been expanded to order 4 in density. We first determine the first-order expansion coefficient in the quantum hadron dynamics, then calculate the coefficients of the second to fourth order for the given binding energy and incompressibility at the normal nuclear saturation density. It is found that there appears a density isomeric state if the incompressibility is smaller than a critical value. The model dependence of the conclusion has also been checked by varying the first-order coefficient
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在早期胎膜早破期待疗法中常采用羊水指数(AFI)测定和非应激试验(NST)。为找出胎膜早破潜伏期内的 AFI 与 NST 之间的关系,对长岛纪念医疗中心妇产医院1989年6月~1990年7月间