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《无损检测》月刊每月10日出版12元/册邮发代号:4-237报道运用现代技术和非破坏方法对材料、设备及产品进行缺陷检测和在线监控的新科技成果及实用经验,反映国内外无损检测行业的发展动向。《机械工程材料》月刊每月20日出版15元/册邮发代号:4-221就国内外工程材料界的交流平台;报道国内外工程材料领域的最新研究成果;剖析材料组织与性能间的必然联系;提供选材用材的 Non-destructive testing monthly published on the 10th of every month 12 yuan / post Postal code: 4-237 Report using modern technology and non-destructive methods of materials, equipment and products for defect detection and online monitoring of new scientific and technological achievements and practical experience, reflecting Domestic and foreign non-destructive testing industry trends. “Mechanical Engineering Materials” monthly published on the 20th of each month 15 yuan / post Postal Code: 4-221 on the domestic and international engineering materials sector exchange platform; coverage of the latest research results in the field of engineering materials at home and abroad; analysis of material structure and performance Inevitably contact; provide material selection
我院妇科自1993年对传统William阴道成形术进行改进,成功治疗26例先天性无阴道患者,现总结如下。1 临床资料本组患者26例,其中未婚18例,已婚8例。年龄20~24岁,无初潮及周期性下腹痛史,外阴发育正常,阴道完全
2008年4月24日,中国·南京,研华自动化水利行业高阶研讨会在南京古南都饭店顺利举行。此次研讨会邀请到江苏省水利勘查设计院、江苏省交通规划院 April 24, 2008, Nanjing,
患者,女,25岁。因停经7月,头痛、头晕、胸闷、双眼视物不清5d,加重伴无尿1d入院。入院时查体:T36.6℃,P120次/min,R25次/min,BP28/22kPa,神志恍惚,四肢皮肤可见多个出血斑点,双眼脸浮肿,视力下降,双肺呼吸深大,无干湿... Patient
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