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为进一步提高患者标识腕带的安全性和使用的便捷性,Zebra推出了面向医护人员的条码打印解决方案,提高患者在用药、采血和病历管理等各环节确保护理安全。近年来,医疗的质量管理与病人安全日益受到关注。2005年起,卫生部开始在全国非营利性医院开展“医院管理年”活动,旨在提高医院医疗质量。其中,2008年、2009年,卫生部印发的关于该活动的通知,明确把“严格执行查对制度,提高医务人员对患者身份识别的准确性”作为病人安全目标之一。中国医院协会在卫生部医政司的指导下,提出了《患者安全目标》,其目标 To further increase the safety and ease of use of patient wristbands, Zebra has introduced a barcode printing solution for healthcare professionals to enhance patient care in all aspects of medication, blood collection and patient records management. In recent years, medical quality management and patient safety have drawn increasing attention. Since 2005, the Ministry of Health has started “Year of Hospital Management” in non-profit hospitals nationwide to improve the quality of medical care in hospitals. Among them, in 2008 and 2009, the circular on this activity issued by the Ministry of Health clearly defined the goal of patient safety by strictly implementing the checking system and improving the accuracy of identification of patients by medical personnel. Under the guidance of the Department of Medical Affairs of the Ministry of Health, the Chinese Hospital Association has proposed a “patient safety goal”
胡锦涛总书记关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要论述发表以后,各中央企业迅速行动,积极组织贯彻落实。国务院国资委党委于4月17日召开中央企业学习贯彻社会主义荣辱观座谈会,在总结交流前一阶段中央企业学习贯彻社会主义荣辱观的经验的基础上,因势利导,为深入贯彻落实作了进一步安排部署。  国资委副主任、党委委员王瑞祥同志,在对前一段中央企业学习贯彻社会主义荣辱观活动所取得的成绩给予了充分肯定的同时指出,中央企业各
The relationship between the plane-orientation function and the space-orientation function of whiskers in whisker-reinforced metal matrix composites was analyze
Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UNbuilding?【教学目标】1.识别单词peace,world,UN,important,like,并能识别与运用peace,world。学习目标语句Do you want to…?Yes,I do.
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